Traveling Workshop State 4-H Leadership Council
Purpose: Acquaint or re-acquaint volunteers with three project areas relevant to 21 st Century Youth Development Leisure Education/Recreation Home Environment (Home and Personal Living Space) Citizenship
Social skills Self- motivation Healthy Lifestyle Learning to Learn
Do ReflectApply Sharing ProcessingGeneralizing Applying Experiencing
5 A learning/teaching process is composed of 5 separate but interrelated steps. The process begins with an individual or group learning exercise and ends with discussion of how what was learned can be applied to other settings in the “real world.” 1. The Activity 2. Sharing observances, feelings, experiences from the activity 3. Patterns Noticed 4. Ways these facts, skills, patterns, reactions or principles relate to real life situations 5. Plan of Action for using the new information or skill
6 H Key concept is planning for discovery. Selecting a single learning activity provides a common experience. Objective – to explore and examine. H Key concept is responding. Plan time for discovery of learning objectives. Opportunity to respond. Share individual learning to stimulate group growth H Key concept is analyzing patterns. Examine the shared experience. Ask questions that encourage them to think about the experience from the lowest to the highest level of thought. H Key Question, “So what?” Guide from the reality of the activity to a meaning in a broader world. Apply to personal life experiences. H Key question, “Now what?” Think about what can be done with the new information. Apply to specific situations. Have in mind ways an individual/group can use experience in future activities. Step 5 Applying (Planning more effective behavior) Step 4 Generalizing (Inferring principles about the “real world”) Step 3 Processing (Discussing pattern dynamics) Step 2 Sharing (Sharing reactions and observations) Step 1 Experiencing (Activity, doing)
7 Isn’t mere information- giving Isn’t mere entertaining Is creating a learning environment Is structuring learning experiences Is helping the learning interact with information TIP It is not possible to teach anyone, anything. It is only possible to arrange for someone to learn.
Provide standards or a guide for project work. Sound project experiences. Evaluate the progress made in improving his/her skills With the fundamental knowledge and skills members continue to grow
Develop fundamental knowledge and skills in the project area. Apply critical thinking skills. Through experiential learning, members develop life skills of character, decision-making, communication and marketable skills. Apply 4-H training and experience in exploring and preparing for a career. Demonstrate the understanding and application of Community Service Volunteering; Leadership; Responsible Citizenship and Contributing to Group Efforts.
Unit 1 – "Me, My Family and My Friends“ Unit 2 – “My Neighborhood” Unit 3 – “My Clubs and Groups” Unit 4 – “My Community” Unit 5 – “My Heritage” Unit 6 – “My Government” Unit 7 – “My World”
Forms of Leisure Education Social Recreation Expressive Arts Cultural Heritage Outdoor Education and Recreation Sports, Exercise and Physical Activities Hobby The study of play, leisure, recreation and creativity Healthy lifestyle choices Choosing activities which contribute to the achievement of ones purpose, the satisfaction of ones needs, and the enhancement of ones quality of living Aware of the external pressures competing for attention and learning to make wise choices in the constructive use time and resources Learning to respect interests, talents, capacities and potentials through intrinsic rewards. Recognize that it is a lifelong process which change, thus the individual learns to explore satisfying leisure experiences.
Design Housing Merchandising Creative Problem Solving Science and Technology History Safety and Healthy Practices Solutions to contemporary and emerging problems within a framework of ethical and social responsibility Nurturing Relationships Consumer Education Financial Management
Become aware of nurturing relationships with others Active and responsible citizen. Demonstrate responsibility; learn to respect individual rights, the rights of the body as a whole and to respond to the needs of others Demonstrate the mastery of the life skill contributing to group efforts Gain insights into the principles, processes and structures of democracy. Demonstrates an understanding and application of thinking and managing Learn how issues affect the people and demonstrate how individuals can get involved in addressing issues Demonstrates an understanding and application of relating and caring
Recreational/leisure arts contribute to the physical and emotional health Develop resources which make wholesome leisure opportunities Educate how that hobbies/leisure arts contribute to personal development, mental health and physical well-being. Learn to select and lead group recreational opportunities, programs, workshops, etc. that are age, physically and developmental appropriate.
Learn and apply principles of design and function. Learn to adapt and design storage, furniture and personal living space which are more convenient, comfortable and attractive and fits the family’s resources. Textile knowledge and products application to home interiors and special needs Recycle, refinish, rebuild, reupholster, paint, etc. Quality workmanship, good judgment and creativity. Consumer skills Career opportunities in home interiors, interior design and construction, textiles, etc. Apply knowledge and skills to leadership and citizenship opportunities and needs.
Exploring Citizenship - upbib_CCE.shtm upbib_CCE.shtm Personal Living Space Leisure Education – under revision Home Environment – under revision