BC Liquor Regulations District Five FLC 2014
When a Special Occasion Licence is Required Special occasions are events that are not frequently or regularly scheduled. For example, a weekly curling competition is not a special occasion because it is a regular event, but an annual bonspiel could be a special occasion because it occurs only once a year.
Anyone planning to: sell* liquor in any location** that is not licensed serve or sell* liquor in a public place – such as a community hall must apply to a government liquor store for a special occasion licence (see 3.0 and 3.1). (Note: any location may be a public place at one time, and not a public place at another time. When an event is held in a location that would otherwise be considered a private place, but the nature of the event draws the attention of passing members of the public, the location is considered a public place.)
Continued “Selling” liquor includes direct charges for the liquor as well as indirect charges (such as an admission fee to the event). ** An SOL will not be issued for an event in a private residence as the general manager and delegates (liquor inspectors) do not have the authority to inspect private residences. A licence must not be issued for a location that cannot be monitored or inspected to determine compliance with the laws governing the use of that licence.
Special occasion licences (SOLs) are required for both: private special occasions – these include social, cultural, recreational, religious, sporting or community events as well as family events such as weddings, anniversaries, or birthdays. · public special occasions – these include events that are community or public celebrations, such as community festivals or outdoor concerts.
Continued SOLs are also required for tastings intended to acquaint the public with the product of a winery, brewery or distillery held in locations which are not otherwise licensed which are hosted by liquor manufacturers.(Tastings may be either public or private special occasions.) Generally both private and public special occasions may be held in a location that is already licensed, such as a food-primary establishment (a restaurant) or a liquor-primary establishment (a bar or pub), if the liquor licence is temporarily suspended or in an unlicensed location, such as a public park or community hall.
Continued An SOL may be issued to the hosting individual or group for a special occasion held on a cruise ship or charter vessel, such as a luncheon or dinner cruise or a seasonal celebration cruise, if the vessel is no otherwise licensed. [Liquor Licensing Policy Manual, s ] For Example BC Ferries.
When a Special Occasion Licence is Not Required 1. The special event is held in a private place (if there is any doubt about whether a proposed venue is a private place, the individual or organization holding the event should consult with a BC Liquor Store manager or LCLB) and liquor is served but not sold. A private place includes: · a residence actually occupied and used by the event host, and · a closed office or business premise that is not a licensed establishment, provided that all the following conditions are met: the event occurs in the office space normally occupied by the business or agency hosting the event. the area used for the event is not visible to the public the nature and size of the event is such that it will not draw the attention of the public through
Continued members of the public cannot enter excessive noise or other disturbances attendance is by prior invitation only the special event is attended only by the employer and employees and their guests (or board members and staff and their guests, if the office is not a business), and no fee is charged for entry or entertainment and no fee is charged for services related to the service of liquor (e.g., fees for mix, ice and glasses).
Continued 2. The event is held in a place controlled by an embassy or consulate of a country recognized by the government of Canada. 3. The liquor used for the event was purchased by an embassy or consulate. (If the event is held in a licensed establishment the licensee does not need to apply for a temporary suspension of their liquor licence as long as the consular or diplomatic liquor is being served. The licensee may also serve its own liquor as long as it can identify which liquor has been served and keeps normal records of liquor sales of its own liquor.) [LCLB Operational Bulletin 03-06] 4. The event is held on an ocean-going ship engaged in international trade or a Canadian or foreign warship while in a harbour or in Canadian territorial waters and the liquor used comes from the ship’s stores. [Customs Act, Ships' Stores Regulations, online Canada Border Services Agency,
Against the Law
Where to purchase alcohol for your event You can never purchase alcohol from a private liquor store or cold beer and wine store for a licenced event.
Continued The liquor police are going to be out more then ever over the next 2 years. They are looking for violations such as: Selling to the public using a private licence. $BIG$ fine Having more alcohol on hand then what is on the licence $BIG$ fine Not having a copy of the purchased alcohol receipt attached to the licence. Must be a government liquor store receipt.
Not against the Law All alcohol that you are selling or giving away must be purchased from a BC Government liquor store or approved agency such as Winery or Brewery's.
Contact Information James Hackett Case Manager Liquor Control and Licensing Branch TEL: FAX Applications and info available at: