Introduction 9/4/2012
Club Advisors Goals September – November December January February Feb – May – Science Competitions Summer The Future What you should do now
Mr. Holden Chemistry Teacher Mrs. Paulus Physics Teacher Mrs. Rio Biology / Anatomy and Physiology Mrs. Grojean Biology / Evolution / Fossils!
Expose students to current professional/academic research Have students design, propose, execute, and present their own high-level research in local, regional, and state competitions
Presentations by teachers, academics and professional scientists Goals ▪ acquaint students with current research in fields previously unknown ▪ excite students to the possibilities of what is out there ▪ inspire new avenues of inquiry
Forthcoming Presentations - September Mrs. Paulus – Why the Large Hadron Collider is Important Mr. Holden – Personal Research on Computational Biology Dr. Keheler (Lewis University) – Summary of research projects currently in progress in his laboratory; will include presentations by his undergraduate research students
Additional Presentations by: Mr. Daniels - Nuclear Engineer with Exelon Chemical Engineers Mechanical Engineers Doctors Veterinarians Teachers
Students will be beginning formulating their own research projects September – brainstorm project ideas for you and your peers ▪ Note: Projects may have 1-4 members (best 1-2) October – choose one topic and begin literature review November – complete literature review, develop proposal
Complete proposal and have fully formulated idea Present to peers a summary of the literature review and their project ideas Develop budget for experiment ▪ Will bring these to the community at large for funding and support Work with a mentor to flush out problems and have more focused discussions (biweekly checkins)
Conduct experiment (may need to begin as early as November depending on topic choice) Presentations ▪ Math teacher (TBA) – discussion of statistical analyses required ▪ Esthetics of Creating a professional looking poster for competition
Complete Poster Complete Written Report Peer editing Mentor review and rewrites as necessary Examination of published rubric End of February – Inaugural Valley View School District Science Fair
VVSD Science Fair – End of Feb IJAS Region 9 Science Fair – March 9th at Metea Valley High School, Aurora, IL IJAS State Science Fair – May (Date TBA)
Will seek out summer research internships for interested students in academic and professional laboratories Paid and unpaid Based on resume and student interest Application process to be determined
Future Years Intel ISEF competition Intel Science Talent Search Siemens Science Competition Google Science Fair
Keep a journal of ideas that could be investigated Burning Questions Intriguing Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Cool Ideas For now, do not limit yourself to manageable ideas – we will focus and streamline your ideas in the next month