1 National Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy (INSU) - 2011- Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers 3, rue Michel Ange – 75794 Paris Cedex.


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Presentation transcript:

1 National Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy (INSU) Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers 3, rue Michel Ange – Paris Cedex 16 (France)

2 Functions  Coordinating and programming research  Managing infrastructures and observation networks  Organizing scientific foresights General presentation of INSU Scientific objective  Observing the Earth and Universe at every scale and understanding their evolution INSU is one of the 10 institutes of CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research)

3  4 Scientific Sections  Astronomy & Astrophysics  Earth Sciences  Ocean & Atmosphere  Continental Surfaces and Interfaces  1 Technical Division  7 vessels, 2 aircrafts, balloons, instrumentation  2 specific targeted geographical areas: Mediterranean Basin (MISTRALS) & Arctic General presentation of INSU Complementarity with French universities and partner organisations

4 Means and Structure  8500 scientists, engineers and technical staff working in INSU structures :  80 joint research units (laboratories) in France  25 observatories (OSU) in France  3 international units (Argentina, Canada, Chile) General presentation of INSU Key INSU’s personnel distribution map

5 Geographical distribution of INSU international cooperations Earth Sc. Astro. CSI Key

6 Ocean & Atmosphere Research Areas  Dynamics of the Ocean and the Atmosphere and their Interaction  Atmospheric Chemistry  Marine Biogeochemical Cycles  Climate Evolution and Variability Means : ~25 laboratories / 1800 scientists and technical staff

7 Integrated approach towards planetary environmental changes at global and regional levels  Ocean:  EUR-OCEANS Consortium on marine ecosystems  IMBER (Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research)  GMES contribution : MERCATOR / MyOcean  Atmosphere:  European infrastructure project: ICOS-IAGOS (CO2 and green house gases measurements)  International program: MISTRALS Mediterranean sea  GMES contribution : PREV’AIR/ MACC (atmospheric composition) Ocean & Atmosphere

Ocean & Atmosphere: Services d’observation, planes, vessels, « national » codes, national instruments, Computing and archiving centers

9 Service des Avions Français Instrumentés pour la Recherche en Environnement (UMS) \\garak\home\BUREAU\Elements graphiques Piper Aztec Moyenne troposphère Chimie, microphysique, télédétection, turbulence... Charge utile de 2,5T Haute altitude Multidisciplinaire Charge utile 1,2T Basse altitude Chimie urbaine et turbulence Charge utile de 150kg ATR42 Falcon 20

The 2 french models are used for the IPCC reports (AR4 2007, AR5 to come) T increase on the continents Nord: rétroactions due to the cryosphere IPSL LMD CNRM Ocean & Atmosphere Climate studies-climate modeling

IPSL LMD CNRM Ocean & Atmosphere: Air Quality modeling (PREVAIR system) Validation of the CTM through a systematic comparison with measurements

IPSL LMD CNRM Ocean & Atmosphere: O 3 measurements over Beijing (IASI satellite) Pollution at regional and continental scales Population density0-6km O 3 columns

Synergy satellite measurements (TOPEX- POSEIDON then JASON) - network of tide gauges (ROSAME) Collaboration NASA – CNES - CNRS Élévation (cm) Ocean & Atmosphere Oceans level

Ocean & Atmosphere: Biogeochemistry in the oceans

LEFE : les enveloppes fluides et l’environnement CHAT: Atmospheric chemistry CYBER: Biogeochemical cycles EVE: Climate evolution and variability IDAO: Interactions et atmospheric and oceanic dynamics ASSIM: Data assimilation and new numerical methods GMMC: Operational oceanography PNTS : National programm for spatial remote sensing Projects: k€ Ocean & Atmosphere: Reasearch programs

Programme blanc: Any subject, Young Scientists, Global Change, …………………. Projects: k€ **************************************** IPSL : Projects10-30k€ ANR( Agence Nationale pour la Recherche): Research programs

Thanks for your attention!