Short Story Notes
I. Short story A short story is short in length. It can be read in one sitting. It is fiction and usually has few characters, a simple setting and other story elements.
II. Elements of a short story A. Plot – the foundation of a short story It is what the story is about and has five main parts. Draw the plot diagram:
The Short Story This PLOT DIAGRAM shows how the main events in a short story are organized into a plot.
1. Introduction or exposition The first part of plot a. Introduces the characters b. Introduces the setting c. Introduces the problem of the story, called the complication
2. Rising Action The second part of plot is called rising action. This is where the events in the story become complicated and the conflict in the story is revealed (events between the introduction and climax).
3. Climax or turning point . It is the high point of interest or the turning point in the story It is the point at which the main character must solve the problem The reader wonders what will happen next; will the conflict be resolved or not?
4. Falling Action The events and complications begin to resolve themselves. The events and complications begin to resolve themselves. The reader knows what has happened next and if the conflict was resolved or not (events between climax and denouement).
5. Conclusion, or denouement This is the final outcome or untangling of events in the story. a. It is the end of the story – a wrapping up of all of the loose ends b. An author might add a surprise ending in which a last minute problem is created and quickly solved Denouement means the end in French
A. Plot order The order in which events occur in the story a. Sequential order – told in chronological (time) order from beginning to end b. In medias res – (in the middle of things) – the story begins somewhere near the middle and requires a flashback to acquaint the reader with what happened in the beginning
B.Protagonist The main character 1. he must try to solve the story’s problem 2. he is the center of the action
C.Antagonist Whatever created the problem This does not have to be a character.
C. Types –Dynamic character changes at some point in the story. –Static character does not change. –Round character = many details given. –Flat character: little details given. May be called a –Stock/stereotype: those that reader immediately recognizes Bully Villain Hero clown
D. Conflict A struggle between opposing forces 1. external conflict can be: man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. society, etc. 2. internal conflict is when the struggle is within the character, such as man vs. self
E. Setting Time and place; tone & mood 1. physical setting is the physical environment in which the story takes place –Where & when 2. psychological setting is the mood in which the story takes place 3. TONE: mood / atmosphere author creates through choice of setting, descriptive words & details. What feeling is created at the beginning of the story? Is it bright and cheerful or dark and frightening?
F. Theme The point the author makes with his story –The theme of The Wizard of Oz is there’s no place like home. –Theme is a universal statement.
G. Point-of-View Who the author chooses to tell the story 1. first person point-of-view is when one of the characters of the story tells the story; the narrator may use first person pronouns such as I and we a. If the narrator is the main character, the point- of-view is called first person, main character b. If the narrator is a minor character, it is called first person, minor character
2. Third person point-of-view is when the narrator is not one of the characters in the story; the narrator must use such pronouns as he or they, instead of I or me a. Third person observer is when the narrator tells what the characters say and do b. Third person omniscient is when the narrator tells what the characters say, do and think. The narrator is all-knowing. c. Third person limited is when the narrator tells what one character thinks and feels. We know only what the character knows and what the author allows him/her to tell us.
H. Methods of Characterization In order for a story to seem real to the reader its characters must seem real. In order for a story to seem real to the reader its characters must seem real. Characterization is the information the author gives the reader about the characters themselves. Characterization is the information the author gives the reader about the characters themselves.
The author may reveal a character in several ways: –Examples from Freak the Mighty: –Character’s actions Freak is huffing and puffing as he humps himself up the steps, and the Fair Gwen grabs Freak and puts him in the wagon… –Character’s thoughts & speeches “Max, dear, I’m sorry to bother you—you know I never come into the basement…” –Physical description Next thing there’s this big hairy dude in the doorway, he’s got a huge beer gut and these giant arms all covered with blue tattoos…
–What other characters say & think about a character – “I think the rest of him is so small because his brain is so big.” –Author’s direct statements about a character – Also I can hear the boards creaking overhead but you can’t be sure, it might be just the wind. Also I can hear the boards creaking overhead but you can’t be sure, it might be just the wind.