RTV 151 Communication Technology
RTV 151 Communication Technology, Fall 2014 Dr. Tony DeMars Faculty Office: PAC 121 Office Phone: (903) Office Hours: TWTh 10–10:30 am, Tues. 2-3 pm, Wed. 1-1:30 pm
Web Site – tonydemars.com
This is NOT eCollege Faculty.tamuc.edu/tdemars Also –
Student Learning Outcomes—the course is designed: To provide an understanding of the terms, concepts and skills of content creation via audio, video and film through traditional and digital media. To provide an understanding of historical developments, current activities and future possibilities in communication technologies. To acquaint the student with basic techniques and technologies of audio and video production for the broadcasting industry--in such areas as on-air talent, spot production, entertainment program and film production—and to understand how these relate to ‘new media’ content production and distribution.
To introduce the student to methods and principles of broadcasting and related industries, including ‘digital media’ applications. To provide students with an understanding of computer and Internet technology, both historically and as used today as a form of media and communication.
Basics Audio and radio Video and visual storytelling, television and film Multichannel services Computers and networks The Internet Broadband and cellular Mobile media / digital media
Grading COURSE GRADING: Grade evaluation: Mid Term Exam Final Exam In-class technology 25 pts. each)…… 100 Chapter Exams..... (5 given; lowest dropped)… Attendance, Class Participation, Daily Quizzes GRADE REQUIREMENTS: Points required for: "A"— 90% “B”—80-89% “C”—70-79% “D”—60-69%
Getting Started Get the book this week You must be in Practicum – must register this week Technology report sign up – see course outline. Pick a topic and article and post. Online reading this week – see course outline.
College Level Class Overview of technology about our field Turn off your phone and put it away during class Do not take food or drink into equipment areas Demonstrate your interest in the field you have chosen to study Meet all deadlines