TULIPA Produced and presented by: Sarai Hazael Julien
TULIPA TULIPA will provide flowers, specifically tulips, which will be dyed at the customers own personal choice of colour. I will later go on to dying other more popular flowers like roses, daffodils and geraniums. The shop will be lively and colourful yet serene, and I will have a shop window displaying my latest tulip creations. I plan to advertise my business on the ‘visits to Amsterdam’ website, where I will have a hyperlink. This method of advertising is very cheap, another way of advertising is going to flower shows like the well known ‘Chelsea Flower Show’ where I will be able to present my flowers to new customers. The main way of ensuring that I maintain a reasonable market share is by ensuring that I attend flower shows as often as possible, in order to reach out to new customers. I plan to produce around 400 tulips per month in the first six months of trading, I will only open the shop from Tuesday to Thursday giving me the chance to attend flower shows and plan my window display The shop will open from 9am to 5pm. My estimated Net Profit for the first year in business is £5,227