2011-12 ALLOCATION OF FUNDS Presented By: Kelly Gallatin Federal Funds Manager.


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Presentation transcript:

ALLOCATION OF FUNDS Presented By: Kelly Gallatin Federal Funds Manager

Status of DFP Funds Funding Increases: –Title III, Language Acquisition (no change) –Rural & Low Income (no change) Funding Decreases: –Title I, Improving Basic Programs (-5.2%) –Title II, Improving Teacher Quality (-1.1%) –School Improvement Grant (-6.8%) –Title II, Math & Science Partnerships (-7.7%) –Title II, Educational Technology (-6.7%) PDE

Terminology The following terms are often confused but have three distinct applications: Census Poor (or Poverty Level) Formula Percent (or Percent of Formula Children) Percent of Free and Reduced Lunch PDE

Title I-A, Census Poor Census Poor –The number of children age 5-17 from families below the poverty level on the basis of the most recent satisfactory data (each person or family is assigned one out of 48 possible poverty thresholds). USDE

Census Info About census poverty: About school district info: About poverty data sources: about/datasources/ USDE

Title I-A, Formula Percent Formula Factors –Children to be Counted Census Poor TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) Foster Neglected All Updated Annually USDE

How Different is Census Poor from Free & Reduced Lunch? Students whose family income is up to 135% of the poverty level are eligible for Free lunch Students whose family income is up to 185% of the poverty level are eligible for Reduced lunch

How Different is Census Poor from Free & Reduced Lunch? Census Poor % is generally MUCH Lower School District NameCensus FRL Big Pine SD 25.74% 60.74% Smallville Area SD 23.84% 71.68% Valley Junction SD 11.07% 27.40%

Title I-A Allocations Eligibility – ( Formula vs population ) –Basic Grants 10 Formula Children; AND 2% Formula Children (Census, TANF, Foster & Neglected) –Concentration Grants 15% Formula Children OR 6500 Formula Children USDE

Title I-A Allocations Eligibility (Cont’d) –Targeted Grants 10 Formula Children; AND 5% Formula Children –Education Finance Incentive Grant (EFIG) 10 Formula Children; AND 5% Formula Children USDE

HOLD-HARMLESS GUARANTEE (at USDE Level) All 4 formulas provide for a variable hold- harmless guarantee for each LEA of 85%, 90%, and 95% of their previous year’s allocation The hold-harmless percentage depends on the percent of formula children for each LEA For Basic, Targeted, and EFIG, an LEA must meet the eligibility criteria in order for hold- harmless protection to apply For Concentration Grants, the hold-harmless provision applies to an LEA for four years even if it no longer meets the 15% eligibility criteria USDE

Title I, Part A Formula USDE Calculates LEA Estimates PDE Adjusts for Charter Schools –Total Enrollment from sending LEAs –Calculate Formula Children 4% School Improvement Set Aside 1% Administration Set Aside Achievement Awards (5% of PA gain) PDE

Title I, Part A Formula Hold Harmless Applied at These Levels –95% for 30% or More Formula Children –90% for >=15% but <30% Formula Children –85% for less than 15% Formula Children PDE

HOLD-HARMLESS GUARANTEE (at PDE Level) Variable hold-harmless guarantee for each LEA of 85%, 90%, or 95% based on the Total of their previous year’s state-determined allocation The hold-harmless percentage depends on the percent of formula children for each LEA PDE method helps lessen the degree of severity of abrupt losses in Targeted and EFIG funds in a single year that are not held- harmless at the USDE level PDE

Improving Teacher Quality Title II, Part A Formula Formula Factors –Hold Harmless –Census Poor –5-17 Population –Nonpublic Share PDE

Improving Teacher Quality Title II, Part A Formula Hold Harmless – Amount (or estimate for LEAs established after ) –LEAs AND IUs –Ratable Reduction if Insufficient Funds –Remaining Funds Allocated to LEAs PDE

Improving Teacher Quality Title II, Part A Formula Distribution of Remaining Funds 80% of Funds –Census Poor –% of the Whole 20% of Funds –5-17 population –% of the Whole PDE

Title II, Part A Nonpublic Intermediate Units Receive $$$ for Nonpublic Programs HH at Amount May Be Eligible for Additional $$$ From Public School Districts –Based on $ Spent on Professional Development –E-grants Calculates Additional Funds—If Any PDE

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