A PowerPoint Presentation by: Miranda R. and Rachel W.
§O§Orangutans live in the treetops of the Southeast Asian tropical rainforests. §I§Interesting Fact:Orangutans are very intelligent mammals.
§Fruits that grow on trees §sometimes figs or nuts §lots of leaves §insects every once in a while §usually not to many birds Interesting Fact:The orangutan is a very solitary animal.
Humans have hunted and trapped these harmless animals.Can you help save them? We should try to save the orangutan because they are harmless to humans but humans are harmful to them.
Orangutans have a human like face, the coat is long and coarse, it varies in color from red to orange and chocolate.
At night they build a platform style nest out of branches 40 to 50 feet above the ground. They can live up to 45 years in the wild and up to 50 in captivity. Orangutans weigh up to 220 pounds and grow up to 5 feet tall. Not only are they smart, orangutans have excellent hearing and color vision.
Orangutans are harmless, interesting mammals, that like to swing on vines in the tropical rainforest.
Red shows places where orangutans are found—only on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo.
Dalton, Sheila Nature’s Children Orangutans. Conneticut:Groiler Limited, R., Stuart “Orangutan.” World Biomes 16 January 2006 “Orangutans” 11 January 2006 < orangutans-orangutans.com/