The Crucible Act I
The relationship between Abigail and Proctor seems to foreshadow the real cause of the frightening events to come. Abigail went to the forest because she wanted to get rid of Goody Proctor The citizens of Salem thought that dancing was evil and sinful.
The following statement shows that Abigail is not as harmless as she appears, “I can make you wish you had never seen the sun go down.” John Proctor rebels against authority by speaking his mind.
Thomas Putnam is vindictive (out to get Parris) Thomas Putnam shows contempt towards Reverend Parris. Parris is reluctant to tell anyone that Betty may be bewitched because he fears that his enemies will destroy his reputation.
Most of the villagers view Rebecca Nurse as a kind and respectable woman. Rebecca advised Parris to send Reverend Hale away because she knew his presence would only cause more hysteria in Salem. Tituba most likely confessed to meeting with the devil because she thought it might save her life.