Spiders are our Friends
How Do You Feel About Spiders? h Raise your hand if you like them. h Raise your hand if you don’t like them. h Raise your hand if you find them scary. h Raise your hand if you like them. h Raise your hand if you don’t like them. h Raise your hand if you find them scary.
Why I Like Spiders h Spiders Eat Annoying Bugs h Spiders Build Cool Webs h Spiders Are Not Insects h Most Spiders Are Harmless h Tarantulas Make Good Pets h Spiders Eat Annoying Bugs h Spiders Build Cool Webs h Spiders Are Not Insects h Most Spiders Are Harmless h Tarantulas Make Good Pets
Spiders Eat Annoying Bugs h Mosquitoes h House flies h Cockroaches h Gnats h Small Household Pets (Just Kidding) h Mosquitoes h House flies h Cockroaches h Gnats h Small Household Pets (Just Kidding)
Spiders Build Cool Webs h Some spiders build orb webs
Spiders Build Cool Webs h Some spiders build dome webs
Spiders Build Cool Webs h Some spiders build funnel webs
Spiders Build Cool Webs h Some spiders build trap doors
Spiders Are Not Insects h All Insects have Six Legs. h All Spiders have Eight Legs. h All Insects have Six Legs. h All Spiders have Eight Legs.
Most Spiders Are Harmless h The black widow h The brown recluse h The black widow h The brown recluse Only two spiders found in the US are poisonous:
Tarantulas Make Good Pets h They are quiet and not smelly h They like to be held h They live up to twenty years h They don’t need much space h They are cute h They are quiet and not smelly h They like to be held h They live up to twenty years h They don’t need much space h They are cute
So be nice to Spiders!