Lab Safety (Earth Science Students)
General I will not touch any lab equipment until I have been given instructions.
General I will keep my voice low during labs.
Personal I will not engage in horseplay of any kind.
Personal I will not eat, drink or chew gum in the science laboratory.
Personal I will wear eye protection whenever the teacher says it is necessary. I will inform the teacher if I am wearing contact lenses.
Personal If I have long hair, I will tie it back when flames or hazardous substances are to be used.
Personal I will wear shoes that completely enclose my feet whenever chemicals or glassware are to be used. This means no sandals or open- toed shoes.
Personal I will wear appropriate clothing for labs, no dangling objects, or nylon jackets or pants when using flames.
Lab Procedure I will only do the experiments approved by the teacher. I will follow specific instructions for each lab investigation.
Lab Procedure I will immediately report ALL accidents to the teacher. This includes glass breakage.
Lab Procedure If I do not understand something in the instructions, I will ask the teacher for further explanation before starting the lab.
Lab Procedure I will treat every chemical with healthy respect. I will not touch, smell or taste chemicals unless instructed to do so.
Lab Procedure When smelling the contents of a test tube or other container, if directed, I will wave my hand over the opening toward my nose.
Lab Procedure I will handle all lab materials and apparatus with care to avoid damaging them or injuring myself or others.
Lab Procedure I will never point a cooled, heating or heated test tube at a person.
Lab Procedure I will read the labels on bottles of chemicals twice, carefully, to make sure I have the right chemical.
Lab Procedure I will clean up any minor, harmless spills. If I am unsure if the spill is harmless or not, I will immediately tell the teacher.
Handing and Care of Equipment I will keep sinks clean. They are not trashcans.
Handling and care of Equipment I will follow the directions for proper disposal of wastes. Certain substances (example acids) CANNOT go down the drain.
Handling and Care of Equipment I will keep the tops of lab benches and tables clean and clutter free.
Handling and Care of Equipment I will inspect all glassware for cracks.
Handling and Care of Equipment I will always beware of handling glass. Hot glass looks the same as cold glass.
Lab Procedure After the completion of the day’s lab work, I will cleanse my hands thoroughly.