Natural Biological Hazards of the Mid-south U.S. Recognition Avoidance Prevention Treatment
Dangerous life forms Reptiles and other vertebrates Arthropods (insects, spiders, Plants & Fungi
Water Moccasin
Harmless Water snake Swimming
Elliptical Pupils and Pits
How many copperheads do you see?
A Cobra of many Colors!
Mimicry almost but not quite perfect!
Harmless or Venomous?
What about Crocodilians, or more specifically, American Alligators?
Small Crocs indicate reproduction has already occurred here in Tennessee
What is dangerous about this animal?
The most dangerous catfish in the world, fortunately not a native species!
Though deadly she is, this is not a species normally encountered in the field, but rather in dark, secluded, old buildings, hollow trees, etc.
Six Eyes = Positive Identification
Why its bite is a serious matter!
Is this animal really venomous?
What about this one?
Massive swarms can do damage quickly
Ultimate Range in the U.S.
Most dangerous in the fall!
Which one is fake?
What could this be?
Bite: no big deal?
If not for this little guy, the south would be paradise?
Trumpet Vine Dangerous?
The deadliest of them all!!!!!!
Which snake would you not expect to find in West Tennessee? 1. Water moccasin 2. Copperhead 3. Timber Rattlesnake 4. Diamondback Rattlesnake 5. Scarlet Snake
Which of the following is a recommended treatment for venomous snakebite 1. Cut & Suck 2. Tourniquet 3. Anti-venom 4. Immediate hospitalization 5. Jack Daniel Whiskey
Which of the following are harmless snake attributes 1. Round pupils 2. Single anal scale 3. An opening between the nostril & eye 4. Retractable fangs 5. Elliptical pupils
If you are immune to poison ivy you never have to worry about exposure to it! 1. True 2. False
Ticks in Tennessee can transmit which of these diseases? 1. Lyme disease 2. Tularemia 3. Rocky Mt. Spotted Fever 4. Babesiosis 5. All of these
Which of the following fish are not found in the Mississippi river and its tributaries 1. Silver Carp 2. Big headed Carp 3. Bull Sharks 4. Alligator Gar 5. Candiru (a parasitic catfish that infests the human urethra)
If you are allergic to this animal, you should be especially prepared for a venomous snake bite: 1. Chickens 2. Horses 3. Cows 4. Pigs 5. Cats
Chiggers are a type of: 1. Insect 2. Arachnid 3. Mite 4. Tick 5. None of the above
Armadillos should be avoided because they can transmit this disease: 1. Leprosy 2. AIDS 3. Rabies 4. Possum fever 5. None of the above, though they might jump high enough to bust your windshield
Tennessee mosquitoes have been known to transmit this disease: 1. Malaria 2. Yellow fever 3. West Nile virus 4. Encephalitis 5. All of the above, except Malaria