Candida Albicans The Quiet Epidemic Special Thanks to Barbara Stuart, APRN, NP-C, CEN Integrative Medical Practitioner Presented by Melody Covino
What is Candida albicans? A benign sugar fermenting yeast. Integral part of intestinal ecology in small amounts. One of 600 strains of Candida. Can cause disease when overgrowth occurs. What is Candida albicans?
Ecological Balance in GI Tract Candida is a yeast that is normally harmless as a single-celled fungus. If it changes into a mycelial form it can take root in tissues and colonize. Three main organisms: bacteria, virus, fungus. Immune system is always working – we only get sick when it becomes overwhelmed. It can cause localized problems (vagina, throat, nails, bladder, skin, etc. When it colonizes in the gut – toxins are released into the bloodstream. When the roots of candida grow into the intestinal lining they burrow microscopic holes into the gut – causing leaky gut. Ecological Balance in GI Tract
Candida causes “leaky gut”
What causes Candida to grow? Imbalance of GI yeast vs good bacteria. Immune dysfunction: Exposure to toxic metals. Internal toxins from poor digestion. Stress HIV Reduction of good bacteria in the gut: Consumption of refined carbohydrates, alcohol and caffeine. Antibiotics Immunosuppresive medications. Upset in intestinal pH: Acid blocking medications. Decreasing digestive enzymes and HCL as we age. Vit A and zinc are both critical for normal cellular immunity. Candida may be consuming the deficient nutrients, oxidizing the essential fatty acids and leaving toxins in their place. What causes Candida to grow?
Candida By-products Proliferation of Candida Releases waste products called mycotoxins (poisons) and oxalates. These further weaken the immune system. Candida By-products
Auto-Brewery Syndrome Candida Toxic Waste = Acetaldehyde Affects Central Nervous System. Interferes with hormone metabolism: Pituitary Thyroid Adrenal glands Increased blood alcohol levels. Brain fog symptoms Auto-Brewery Syndrome
Candida By-products Digestion of proteins = beta-alanine. Lowers Taurine levels. Taurine increases uptake of magnesium & potassium inside our cells. Taurine binds toxins and removes them from the liver. Beta-alanine is absorbed through the intestinal lining and secreted by the kidneys. It competes for reabsorption with the animo acid taurine in the kidneys and this lowers taurine levels. This is a significant problem because taurine enhances the intracellular uptake of magnesium and potassium It also helps to bind toxins and remove them from the liver. Clinically observed that patients with candidiasis of the GI tract may have problems absorbing magnesium and potassium, despite oral supplementation. There is a urine test that measures the amount of metabolites or by-products of candida metabolism. Candida By-products
Heavy Metals affect Candida Silver amalgam dental fillings have 53% mercury! Mercury has an antibiotic effect. Difficult to control yeast overgrowth. The antibiotic effect kills off the good bacteria in the gut making it difficult to keep candida under control. Heavy Metals affect Candida
Candida affects all ages & gender Women are more susceptible! Women are 8 times more likely to have a yeast syndrome. Vaginal yeast infections: With Antibiotics During pregnancy Using Oral contraceptives (OCP) Progestin from OCP: Changes vaginal lining Causes release of yeast- feeding sugar into bloodstream. Candida Transmission Sexually Mother to newborn Thrush Diaper Rash Candida Questionnaire for you to score yourself. Candida affects all ages & gender
3 primary causes Parasites Hormonal imbalance Food allergies
Predisposing Factors Antibiotics Corticosteroid drugs Compromised Immune System Damp, moldy environment Diet high in refined carbs Mercury fillings Stress Decreased digestive secretions Impaired liver function (NAFLD) Altered bowel flora (bacteria balance) Pregnancy Predisposing Factors
Candida Signs and Symptoms Chronic fatigue Brain fog (↑ acetaldehyde) Anxiety Depression Food cravings Sweets, alcohol, carbonated drinks Hyperactivity & learning disabilities Decreased libido Autoimmune disorders Headaches Eczema, psoraisis Muscle aches Arthritis Bladder infections Gas & bloating Constipation and/or Diarrhea Bad breath Rectal itching Sinusitis Burning tongue Nail infections Diaper Rash Candida Signs and Symptoms
Causes Major Health Issues Auto-Immune Diseases caused by Leaky Gut Lupus Rheumatoid Arthritis Multiple Sclerosis Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia Thyroiditis (Hypothyroid) Crohn’s Disease Vitilego Vasculitis Ulcerative Colitis Urticaria (hives) Diabetes Causes Major Health Issues
Candida = Allergies Mycotoxins in the bloodstream! Normally, the lining of the intestinal tract prevents mycotoxins from entering the blood. Toxins Microorganisms Undigested food particles The body launches an immune reaction that causes the allergic response. Candida = Allergies
Healthy live blood cell analysis vs unhealthy Leaky gut
Candida Affects All Systems Candida toxins in the bloodstream filter through the liver. From there, they proceed to other organs. Brain, Nervous System, joints, skin, etc. If impaired liver detoxification ability these toxins will not be eliminated and can initiate states of chronic disease. Inadequate nutrition, poor cellular health and/or toxic overload impair detoxification. Candida Affects All Systems
Candida Treatment Supplements for intestinal health: Essential oils Probiotics Digestive Enzymes Fiber supplement Omega 3 Oils DHA, EPA Vitamin D Multivitamin Essential Oils Digestzen, Myrrh, Frankincense, wild orange, lemon. Essential oils Lemon, melaleuca, oregano. GX assist capsules Dietary changes! Gluten free Diary free YEAST FREE Consider other grains Corn/soy (consider) Try to do organic meats and eggs Candida Treatment
Candida and doTERRA Probiotics Digestive Enzymes Crowds out bad organisms. Uninhabitable environment to yeast. Digestive Enzymes Helps digest and absorb nutrients. Take with meals Candida and doTERRA
Candida and doTERRA Omega 3 Fatty Acid Fiber Vitamin D3 Restores moisture to GI tract. At least 2000 mg daily Fiber 4-5 grams twice/day Absorbs toxins Reduce “die off” reaction w/Candida Vitamin D3 At least 1,000 iu/day Helps heal leaky gut and decrease inflammation. L-Glutamine Powder Candida and doTERRA
Candida and doTERRA Multivitamins Corrects dietary insufficiencies. High potency Candida and doTERRA
Liver Detoxification Daily Detoxification Essential Oil Blend Zendocrine Oral capsules Essential Oil Blend Rub over abdomen in area of the liver Apply to reflex points. Liver Detoxification
Candida and doTERRA Candida Treatment Essential Oils GX Assist (10 days) Caprylic acid plus essential oils. Essential Oils Oregano, Lemon, Melalueca Take internally Apply to reflex points. Other oils to enhance immune system, onguard plus, DDR prime. Candida and doTERRA
Candida and doTERRA Candida Treatment Important to treat Candida aggressively and consistently. Candida can become resistant to some treatments. Essential oils have many constituents making resistance less likely. Mix up your oils when treating Candida. Essential Oils for targeted areas: Thyme & Clary Sage, Clary Calm – female, Coriander & Myrrh – skin Cinnamon – blood sugar Clove – Thyroid Rosemary – Adrenals Grapefruit - Energy Take internally Apply to bottom of feet Candida and doTERRA
Candida overgrowth affects 8 out of 10 people Candida overgrowth affects 8 out of 10 people. Dietary changes are the single most important change necessary to control Candida. Improve your vitality & energy while preventing inflammation and chronic disease.
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