Culture For Service and Service For Humanity Module 1 Activity Ice Breaker: As a group, you will have 10 minutes to come up with an original chant, step, stroll that is a representation of the Brothers at your table. Find out something about each other Brainstorm some ideas for how to represent that Write them down Decide on one idea Create it Practice Have fun! MEMBERSHIP SERVICES DEPARTMENT Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Culture For Service and Service For Humanity Module 5 Activity Create Your MIP Mission Statement MIP Mission Statement: At your table, come up with a mission statement that best describes the intake process. It can be in the form of a commercial, song, rap, and/or billboard. Remember: To think about how an “ethical Sigma” would produce future Sigma Brothers Your mission statement should be something short and concise Brainstorm some ideas for how to represent that Write them down Create it Practice Have fun! MEMBERSHIP SERVICES DEPARTMENT Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Culture For Service and Service For Humanity MIP Certification Training Test (Required) 1)Two weeks before intake begins the chapter must submit two items to the Regional Director and wait for approval before proceeding with the MIP Process. What are the two items? 2)Applicants must submit the following five items to the chapters to complete their application process: (complete both Collegiate and Alumni) Collegiate ApplicantsAlumni Applicants 3)On day 11, what three things must the chapter do? 4) True or False (circle one) On day 11, money orders for the $100 application fees from all applicants must be sent to the Regional Director? 5) On which day should the candidates sign the Hold Harmless Agreements? ______ 6) By which day should the chapter notify the applicants of their acceptance or rejection? ______ 7) On which day should the chapters conduct interviews? _____ 8) What four things must be mailed to the Regional Director on Day 27? 9)True or False? (Circle one)Participating in hazing in the US could potentially result in prison time for convicted individuals? 10)True or False? (circle one) If someone agrees to participate in an activity, by law it can't be considered hazing? 1 _________________________ 2 _________________________ 3 _________________________ 4 _________________________ 5 _________________________ 1 _________________________ 2 _________________________ 3 _________________________ 4 _________________________ 1 _________________________ 2 _________________________ 3 _________________________ 4 _________________________ MEMBERSHIP SERVICES DEPARTMENT Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Culture For Service and Service For Humanity MIP Certification Training Test (Required) 11)What are the minimum collegiate requirements for membership into Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.? 12) True or False? (circle one) When sending a transcript to the national headquarters, it is in compliance to send an unofficial transcript or a copy? 13) Who is the sole authority in his respective region to sign off on new membership and charters? ________________________________ 14) From informational to intake ritual, how many days should intake consist of? _____ 15) List some of the topics that will be covered during the critical knowledge sessions. 16) True or False? (circle one) The intake ritual can be held in an open location? 17) True or False? (circle one) Both, financial and non-financial brothers may attend the intake rituals? 18) True or False (circle one) By day 42, the chapter should have held at least 3 membership development sessions and testing for candidates. 19)True or False (circle one) As long as my chapter has submitted a proposed calendar for MIP to my regional director, it is okay to start the process. 1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________ 4. _________________________ 5. _________________________ 6. _________________________ 1._________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP SERVICES DEPARTMENT Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Culture For Service and Service For Humanity 1)The objectives of the training were clearer identified and taught throughout this course MIP Certification Training Course Feedback Survey (Required) 2)The sequence of this training was well developed and planned )The content of this knowledge introduced you to new knowledge and practices )The knowledge acquired at this training can clearly be used at my local chapter )The trainer was well prepared and knowledgeable of the course information The purpose of this survey is to obtain information and suggestions that will be of value to the future planning of the membership intake certification training. This survey will be viewed by those who are responsible for planning the membership training. Please take enough time to provide written comments at the end of this survey. Your opinions, whether positive or negative, are important to our organization. Directions: Please answer the following questions on a scale of 1-5, 1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree. 6)Please comment on some of the strength of the training 7)Please comment on some of the weakness of the training 8)Please provide feedback and suggestions for the future planning of MIP training MEMBERSHIP SERVICES DEPARTMENT Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.