Educating the Community Through Awareness-Acknowledgment-Action COMMUNITY-COALITION ON DRUG AWARENESS
The Community Coalition On Drug Awareness (C-CODA) in Bozeman, Montana is a community-based program that is providing resources and evidence-based strategies to reduce underage drinking, tobacco use, and illegal drug use. The abuse of drugs is not a harmless personal decision: there are real, long-lasting, and devastating outcomes for those who abuse drugs and for their families, friends, and communities. And for some, the outcome may be lethal. Whether you purchase drugs from a pharmacy, or you get them from a friend, knowing the truth about them will help you understand the dangers they pose.
Underage drinking is the leading contributor to death from injuries for people under 21 and continues to be a public health concern with serious consequences for youth, their families, and their communities. -Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services UNDERAGE DRINKING
Each day in the United States, more than 3,200 people younger than 18 years of age smoke their first cigarette, and an estimated 2,100 youth and young adults who have been occasional smokers become daily cigarette smokers. If smoking persists at the current rate among youth in this country, 5.6 million of today’s Americans younger than 18 years of age are projected to die prematurely from a smoking- related illness. This represents about one in every 13 Americans aged 17 years or younger alive today. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention SMOKING & SMOKELESS TOBACCO
Harmless Water Vapor? Think Again! It contains nicotine and other toxins. In 2014, more teens use e-cigarettes than traditional, tobacco cigarettes or any other tobacco product—the first time a U.S. national study shows that teen use of e-cigarettes surpasses use of tobacco cigarettes. E-CIGARETTES
Alcohol use is one of the most serious public health issues for young people in the United States, creating various negative consequences for adolescents, their families, and the nation as a whole. More than 24 percent of underage kids (between 12 and 20 years old) are drinking, and 15 percent of them are binge drinking, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. BINGE DRINKING
U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration The 2014 National Drug Threat Assessment (NDTA) Summary addresses emerging developments related to the trafficking and use of primary illicit substances of abuse and the nonmedical use of controlled prescription drugs (CPDs).
Overview Threat from CPD abuse is persistent Heroin abuse and availability increasing High levels of meth production in Mexico Cocaine rebounded slightly in 2013 Abuse of marijuana concentrates Abuse of synthetic drugs
The threat from Controlled Prescription Abuse Drugs (CPD) is persistent and deaths involving CPDs outnumber those involving heroin and cocaine combined.
There was a 37 percent increase in heroin initiates between 2008 and Increased demand for heroin is largely being driven by a subset of CPD abusers switching to heroin because heroin is more available and less expensive. Further, some OxyContin abusers switched to heroin after the reformulation of that drug made it more difficult to abuse.
Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug in the United States. High availability levels are due to a large-scale marijuana importation from Mexico. There was a 62 percent increase in marijuana-related emergency department visits between 2004 and Marijuana-related visits were second only to cocaine in 2011, and nearly matched the number of cocaine-related emergency department visits. The abuse of marijuana concentrates (“wax,” “butane honey oil” etc.) is increasing throughout the United States. Marijuana concentrates can be abused using e-cigarettes or consumed in edibles, and have significantly higher tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels than leaf marijuana.
The abuse of synthetic cannabinoids (“K2,” “Spice,” “Herbal Incense”) and synthetic cathinones (“bath salts”) remain a concern, as these drugs are still available in convenience stores, head shops, gas stations, and online.
Fewer people driving drunk, but drug use on the road is rising.
Family Agreement Form The Agreement states: As your mom/dad/caregiver, I pledge to do my part in helping to keep you alcohol free. I promise to talk with you about the dangers and harmful effects of underage drinking. I pledge to create an alcohol-free environment that is fun and safe for you and your friends. I also pledge to pick you up at any time or place if you find yourself in any uncomfortable situation where underage drinking is involved. By signing this pledge, I agree that I will engage in constructive conversations with you about the dangers of underage drinking. As your son/daughter, I understand that alcohol can harm my body and my mind and make me say and do things I might regret. I pledge to avoid situations where my friends and peers are drinking underage, and I promise to call or text you to help remove me from those situations, if they arise. By signing this pledge, I agree that I will not engage in underage drinking.
The site is designed for parents, educators and caregivers and provides information on identifying drugs and drug paraphernalia; physical, developmental and legal consequences of drug use; and talking to kids and teens about drugs.
The “Avengers” are helping the Elks combat Bullying, Under Age Drinking and the Abuse of Pharmaceutical Drugs. The Avengers battle alien robots to show our children that if are being Bullied and pressured to use Alcohol and Pharmaceutical drugs you can always find help and that you are “Never Alone” because help is available and do not be afraid to ask for that help.
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Community-Coalition On Drug Awareness Educating the Community Through Awareness-Acknowledgement-Action