Trees in Czech students´ Artwork
Mistletoe where everyone is kissed / Xmas tree
Tea tree (made of tea bags wraps)
Trees in Betlehem (made of paper)
Winter in the wood
Christmas rhyme: Apple cutting (Christmas tradition – you must see a star inside the apple) Vánoční stromeček v pokoji zavoní, Maminka u stolu jablíčko rozkrojí. A když ho rozkrojí, uvidím hvězdičku, Která se schovala v červeném jablíčku.
Christmas tree (In the past, Czechs hang apples on Xmas tree) Stromečku vstávej, Ovoce dávej. Umyj se, ustroj se. Je Štědrý den. Christmas tree, get up! Christmas tree, make up! Wash up, dress up. It´s Christmas!
Trees in Klášterec nad Ohří (team work of 9B)
Birds in Autumn (team work of school club)
Trees in winter (collage 3A)