PATHWAYS TO PROSPERITY NETWORK State Strategies for Sustaining and Scaling Grades 9-14 Career Pathways Jonathan Furr, Director, Education Systems Center, Northern Illinois University Jennifer Sattem, Fellow, New York Regents Research Fund Joel Vargas, Vice President, High School Through College, Jobs for the Future October 3,
KEY IMPLEMENTATION LEVERS: PATHWAYS TO PROSPERITY FRAMEWORK Grades 9-14 Pathways in high demand career areas Engaged employers offering WBL and internships Intermediary links between education and employers Early, sustained career counseling and information Committed national & state leaders create favorable policy environment 2
STATE POLICIES AND LEADERSHIP Stakeholders from education, industry, nonprofit, and community hold the vision. Does it make a difference where it is housed? Cross Agency Leadership Team Funding is leveraged or created to implement or strengthen local efforts What is best for comprehensiveness and sustainability? Jumpstarting Regional Initiatives Committed national & state leaders create favorable policy environment
9-14 PATHWAYS Best: Hold Harmless, Dual Credit, Subject-Specific Enrollment Criteria Innovations: College Credit Plus (OH); SAILS (TN); Career & College Promise (NC) Dual Enrollment Attributes: Integrate, articulate, elevate, get employer input (TN, GA, NC) Career & Technical Education Grades 9-14 Pathways in high demand career areas How are you building upon college-ready standards and requirements while building up into programs of study? Is two years of free college a viable next step?
CAREER INFO & ADVISING Early, sustained career counseling and information Mandates v. Supports Online resources Integrated Student Learning Plans How else might states play a role to encourage?
WBL & EMPLOYERS Engaged employers offering WBL and internships Employer Champions Highlighting Promising Practice Align Education with Economic Development Career Development as Shared Responsibility Leadership Tax Credits Direct Subsidies Training Levies Procurement Preference; Align Work Study Employer Incentives Endorsements/Seals Teacher Externships Expanded Learning Time Credit for WBL Education Incentives Are any of these feasible in your states?
INTERMEDIARY LINKS between education and employers Regional Intermediary BusinessK-12CommunityGovernment Post- secondary Source: Learning for Jobs, OECD Reviews of Vocational Education and Training Essential Roles Plan: Awareness; asset mapping; data/metrics Convene: Set vision and align goals; coordinate and communicate Broker: Foster and support partnerships and work-based learning Evaluate: Define benchmarks and standards; evaluate outcomes What pieces might be put together and strengthened in your states?