A Daddy Long Legs' body is around 2- 10mm in length and legs that can reach up to 50mm long. The first pair of legs is five and half times the length of its body. They have one basic body segment. They have tiny fangs. They have two eyes.
The Daddy Long Leg spider is distributed around the world. They like to hang in their messy cob webs in dark and damp places, caves, under rocks and loose bark, undisturbed places in buildings and cellars. They are also commonly found in warm dry places.
The Daddy Long Leg eats a variety of food including : Aphids, caterpillars, beetles, flies, mites, small slugs, snails, earthworms, decaying plant, eggs from some insects, fungi, bird poop!!!!
Daddy long legs are the MOST poisonous spider in the world. But are harmless as there fangs are too small to bite humans. They are closely related to mites. They are invertebrates so they have no backbone.