1 Cool the burn ●Cool the burn immediately with cold water for 10 minutes or until the pain has eased. ●You could use other harmless liquids if water is.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Cool the burn ●Cool the burn immediately with cold water for 10 minutes or until the pain has eased. ●You could use other harmless liquids if water is not available such as milk. ●Be careful not to cool areas down so much that the child becomes hypothermic. 2 Remover loose clothing and jewellery ●Remove items such as rings and watches etc as fingers and arms may swell. ●Be careful to remove any loose clothing that is not stuck to the skin otherwise leave clothing in place. 3 Dress the burn ●Use a sterile dressing that will not stick to the burn (low adherent). You can use cling film but ensure you throw away the first few turns which may have been handled already. Wrap it fairly loosely around the limb. You could use a new plastic bag or specialised burns dressings. ●If burns appear severe, have involved the hands, feet, genitals or face or the child has breathed in smoke or fumes then call 999/112 for emergency assistance. BURNS or SCALDS

Burns 1%

Burns treatment COOL! REMOVE DRESS

●Flood the injured part with cold water (minimum of 10 minutes) ●Gently remove any jewelry or wrist watches ●Cover the area with a sterile dressing ●DO NOT break blisters ●DO NOT apply adhesive dressings ●DO NOT apply lotions, ointments or fats ●DO NOT attempt to remove anything sticking to the burn ●Seek medical advice for a burn if involves hands, feet genitals or face. MINUTES BURNS - TREATMENT