NDR7 - COUNTRY REPORT Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis – ANP NDR7 - September
Name of Country: Brasil The ANP is the agency responsible to regulation all of Oil & Gas brazilian activities (upstream and downstream) ANP is the responsible for managing and storing Exploration and Production data acquired in Brazilian Onshore & Offshore areas. NDR7 - Generalities
NDR7 - National Repository WHAT IS BDEP? It’s the National Repository of exploration and production data acquired in Brasil. Currently it stores seismic, well log and potential field data (Grav/Mag). It includes data acquired during Petrobras monopoly (pre 1998) and also those acquired after Brazil opened the market to other companies (post 1998).
BDEP, ITS IMPORTANCE BDEP is the source of basic data for the geological studies to be carried out in the Brazilian Sedimentary Basins. These data are very important for the companies in their exploration efforts. They are also essential for ANP, which uses them in its own projects, and in the licensing rounds (areas evaluation, preparation of the data package, etc.). NDR7 - National Repository
A little bit of history 1938: Creation of the CNP (National Oil Counsil) 1939: Oil Discovery in Lobato, Bahia 1953: Creation of Petrobras 1997: Creation of ANP by Law (06/Aug/1997) 1998: ANP started operating (January) 1998: Petrobras’s Concession Contracts (BID 0) 1999: First Bid Round 2000: BDEP`s Inauguration (29/May/2000) 2000: Second Bid Round 2001: Third Bid Round 2002: Fourth Bid Round 2003: Fifth Bid Round 2004: Sixth Bid Round 2005: Seventh Bid Round NDR7 - National Repository
BDEP’s Creation The administration of the technical data acquired in the E&P activities of the oil and gas industry in Brazil is an ANP’s legal attribution. To take care of this attribution a National Data Repository was necessary. Other Countries models had been studied. The Brazilian model was based in the Norwegian one (DISKOS group). NDR7 - National Repository
BDEP’s Creation (cont.) The Brazilian Geological Survey - CPRM was chosen to help ANP in the setup, administration and operation of the Data Bank. The software adopted was PetroBank (seismic and well logs). CPRM hired PGS Data Management, then owner of the PetroBank system (today Landmark Graphics Co.), to support the planning and the future operation. Today ANP has a service contract with Halliburton/Landmark. NDR7 - National Repository
BDEP’s Creation (cont.) The BDEP’s setup project lasted 1 year (1999/2000) and involved: - Site preparation; - Infrastructure installation; - Hardware and Software acquisition; - Loading Petrobra's Data; - Operation Testing. During this step a first Steering Committee was created with 15 Institutions between Service Companies, Operators, Consulting companies and Universities. BDEP started operating in 29/05/2000. NDR7 - National Repository
BDEP’s Creation (cont.) Installed in m 2 at CPRM’s Office in Rio de Janeiro (Bloco A4), BDEP works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. NDR7 - National Repository
Equipment NDR7 - National Repository Robotic Tape Library with 23,37 Tb capacity.
Tape Archive (3590 tapes) NDR7 - National Repository Storage Capacity cartridges
NDR7 - DATA OWNERSHIP The IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) in data held by brazilian state. The companies can buy only the rights of use them. Licensee’s data retention obligations is mandatory until end of contract with ANP. IPR and Licensee’s data retention obligations
NDR7 - SCALE INDICATOR National Scale Indicator Processed Seismic data cartridges (3590) - 12,21 TeraBytes Pre-Stack Seismic data - 182,917 cartridges (3590) - 1,7444 PetaBytes Wells cultural data Wells with logs loaded in Pbank Well File Reports – Composite Log Potential field methods (Surveys) – 245
NDR7 - TIMING OF RELEASE Timing of release Well Data: 02 years Post-stack seismic data: 05 years Pre-stack seismic data: 05 years Reprocessing seismic data: 05 years Interpreted Data: Never release Speculative/non-exclusive data: 10 years Production Data: 02 years On license surrend./relinq.: Immediately “public”” Cultural Data: Public
NDR7-RELEASE MECHANISM Release Mechanism The responsible for release data is the ANP. Data in surrend./relingd. are immediately “public”
NDR7 - BUSINESS MODEL Business Model COMPANIES UNIVERSITIES ANP Provides: Public data (*) OPERATORS EADs Receives: Well, Seismic or Potential field data BDEP (*) - Or confidential for the ANP
NDR7 - BUSINESS MODEL BDEP Users The BDEP attends associated users and eventual users, besides the ANP itself, today its largest client. To become an associated user, a company must sign a User´s Term, valid for one year. Universities have a special treatment.
NDR7 - BUSINESS MODEL Price List of BDEP Associated Users
NDR7 - BUSINESS MODEL Price List of BDEP Eventual Users
NDR7 - BUSINESS MODEL Last data required
NDR7 - PROMOTIONS New Licenses All contacts with the clients is held by the Help-Desk You can query BDEP’s data through: - Clients' room - CD with Shapefiles - / telephone for the Help-Desk - Maps - Internet - BDEP Web Maps
NDR7 – FUTURE PLANS Change 3590 tapes (10GB) for 3592 (300 GB); Use a 23TB Storage to load post-stack seismic and reprocessed seismic data in disk; Build a Visualization Room; Build a Core Sample and Fluids Digital Databank; Finally, load PRODUCTION data in Petrobank.