Battle of Yorktown General Cornwallis, the British general, set up camp in Yorktown, Virginia. He chose this to be his base.
Battle of Yorktown A French fleet, under the leadership of Admiral de Grasse, blocked the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, preventing Cornwallis from receiving supplies from the British navy. Help!!
Battle of Yorktown ◦ George Washington, along with 6,000 French troops led by Gen. Rochambeau, marched to Yorktown from New York. ◦ The U.S. and French troops cornered Cornwallis in Yorktown. ◦ Cornwallis surrendered on October 17, 1781, ending the Revolutionary War! I surrender!
Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia, October 19, 1781, by which over 7,000 British and Hessians became prisoners.
Effects of the Battle of Yorktown -The British recognized the U.S. as an independent nation. - U.S. territory stretched from Canada to Florida and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River. - Britain returned Florida to Spain.
Basic Information Troop Levels: ◦ British: 9,000 Troops ◦ Continental and French: 17,000 Where ◦ Yorktown, Virginia Who Won ◦ Patriot Victory Casualties ◦ Continental and French Casualties: 88 killed and 301 wounded ◦ British Casualties: 156 killed, 326 wounded and 70 missing