Historical Understandings To play the game, go to the next slide and click on a point value to go to a question. To go to final Wrap-Up click on Final Wrap-Up at the bottom of the main screen.
Famous People Religious Groups Nationalism Reading a Timeline VocabularyConflicts
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Who was the founder of Buddhism?
Siddhartha Gautama score board
What Chinese emperor made Confucianism the official guiding principle during his reign?
Wudi score board
Who organized an Indochinese communist party to get Vietnam’s freedom from the French?
Ho Chi Minh score board
What leader of India urged the use of civil disobedience to protest against British control?
Mohandas Gandhi scoreboard
What United States general was given the job of rebuilding Japan after World War II?
Douglas MacArthur score board
The teachings of what religion called Nirvana a place of perfect peace?
Buddhism score board
What religious group worships the supreme spirit called Brahman?
Hinduism score board
What was the earliest religion in Japan?
Shintoism score board
What religion has a holy book called the Quran?
Islam score board
In what country was Confucianism founded?
China score board
What was the period of distrust between the United States and the Soviet Union called?
The Cold War score board
What happened to Korea after World War II?
It was divided into a communist and a free region. score board
What was the main reason given for the involvement of the United States in military conflicts in Korea and Vietnam?
To stop the spread of communism score board
Where did pro-democracy student demonstrations in China result in violence in 1989?
Beijing’s Tiananmen Square score board
What happened in Vietnam when the last United States troops left in 1975?
North Vietnam took control of the whole country. score board
Where did the massacre occur that resulted in India’s call for independence from Great Britain?
Amristar score board
What happened to India after World War II?
It was partitioned into three new countries— Hindu India, East Pakistan, and West Pakistan. score board
What form of government was recreated for Japan after World War II?
Constitutional Monarchy score board
What country was given some Chinese territory after World War I?
Japan score board
Why did nationalism develop in India in the 1800s?
It developed as a reaction to British rule over the country. score board
When did the United States send marines to Vietnam?
1965 score board
About how many years passed from the passage of the Tonkin Resolution to the surrender of South Vietnam?
11 score board
How many years did United States marines serve in Vietnam?
10 score board
When did President Johnson announce plans to withdraw from Vietnam?
1969 score board
When did South Vietnam surrender to North Vietnam?
1975 score board
What is another term for reparations?
Damages score board
What term is used to describe a religion that worships many gods?
Polytheistic score board
What is the term used to describe the social hierarchy in Hinduism?
Caste Sytem score board
What term is defined as the idea that, when one dies, his soul is reborn into another body?
Reincarnation score board
What term is used to describe loyalty to a group with whom one shares a common history, culture, etc.?
Nationalism score board
Make your wager on the scoreboard scoreFinal Question
What is the name given to the Hindu belief that one’s actions determine one’s fate?
Karma score board