Energy Application Noadswood Science, 2011
Energy Application To use your knowledge of conduction, convection and radiation to explain the design of different objects Saturday, May 02, 2015
Heat Transfer Which materials are best at absorbing / emitting heat energy? Which are worst at absorbing / emitting heat energy?
Elephants What is the difference between the Indian and African elephant? Explain this difference considering heat energy… African Indian Mean World Temperature
Elephants African and Indian elephants live in different climates, with temperature being an important factor (the climate is generally hotter in Africa) In African elephants the hotter temperature requires them to be able to cool in an effective manner – their large ears help them in doing so…
Elephants African elephants large ears have many blood vessels running through them – when the temperature is hot blood passes into the ears, and heat is lost to the environment via conduction (increased via flapping)
Energy Circus There are a number of objects around the room – complete the worksheet individually explaining how each object uses conduction, convection and radiation…
Energy Circus
Thermos Flask Can you explain how a thermos flask works in terms of energy transfer? The diagram shows the key concepts: - Outer cap/cup Plastic cap filled with cork Shiny, mirrored surface Vacuum Sponge Air Plastic case
Thermos Flask Glass bottle is double-walled with a vacuum between the two walls (stops conduction and convection through the sides) Walls either side of the vacuum are silvered (reduces radiation) Bottle is supported by insulating form (minimises conduction to or from the outer glass bottle) Stopper is made of plastic and filled with cork or foam (reduces conduction) The whole design minimises any heat loss through conduction, convection or radiation
North Pole Would a cup of tea get colder quicker at the North Pole or at the equator? Why?! The bigger the temperature difference between the object and the surroundings, the quicker the object will transfer its heat – at the North Pole there is a greater temperature difference, so this is where it will cool quickest