Don’t Bring in an Elephant to Teach the Color Gray! Creating Effective Anticipatory Sets for Direct Instruction By Colleen, Jenn, Kerry & Kirsten
Purpose of DI Anticipatory Sets To Provide an Advance Organizer for Key Ideas Focus students actively Pre-assess prior knowledge Transfer existing knowledge to the new topic Introduce a unit/lesson Communicate lesson goals and objectives
The How To’s Keep it short: no more than 3 to 5 minutes. Make it relevant, focused & stimulating: students must be actively involved / hooked in order for you to Observe and pre-assess prior skills. NOT BUT
Make Topic Connections Guide students to transfer prior knowledge to new topic. New information is more relevant and more meaningful when hooked in with existing knowledge.
Communicate Lesson Goals and Expected Performance In student language explain: WHAT You expect them to be able to do after lesson WHY This topic is important and how it will be useful in real life HOW You will evaluate them and the expected level of performance
Make Real Life Connections Motivate students by relating the lesson goals to real life usefulness: Explain how the students will benefit from acquiring this new skill/knowledge:
SIGNALS FOR ATTENTION Purpose: To focus student attention on you, the teacher. To indicate a new direction/next step/need to respond. Use: During AS and/or as transition between AS steps. Examples: hand clapping/pointing, lights on/off, desk bell, music box, etc.
THE L OF KWL You may now fill in the L section of your KWL chart! If you can answer your W, then we did our job and all 4 of us can do the dance of joy!