CAVE PAINTING What can we learn from cave art? How was cave painting made?
HORSES The paintings of horses found on cave walls probably do not look the same as horses you might have seen. That's because they are not the same. The horses shown in cave paintings are an endangered species that probably live only in Mongolia and Western China now. Some scientists think that the horses are extinct in the wild and only live in zoos. They are called Przewalski's (per-zhe-vall-skeez)Przewalski's horse.
Compare this modern horse with the image below. How are the similar and different?
Can you see the horses?
MAMMOTHS Mammoths were large, hairy, elephant-like animals that lived during the last ice age. In fact, mammoths and elephants are closely related. Mammoths are now extinct.
A mammoth is like an elephant completely covered with fur. Compare these modern elephants with the image of the mammoth above. Why do you think the mammoth had so much fur?
Can you see the mammoth?
HYENAS Hyenas no longer live in Europe. This is a present-day hyena. Compare it to the image below.
Where is the hyena?
RHINOCEROSES As you may know, rhinoceroses do not live in Europe today. This is a present-day rhino. How it is similar to and different from the cave paintings rhinoceroses.
How many rhinos can you find? One of them has a very large horn. The painting looks like an animation.
LIONS Lions no longer live in the wild in Europe. This is a present-day lion. How does it compare This is a present-day lion. How does it compare to the cave paintings of lions?
Look carefully at the left hand side of the painting. That is where you will find the lion.
PANTHERS This is a present-day panther. How is it similar to and different from the image below?
The panther in this painting is much smaller than the hyena.
BISONS Bison were once common in Europe. In a cave in France, there is an entire hallway filled with paintings of bison. Compare these bison with the image of the bison below.
Can you find the bison?
ARIZONA ANIMALS What sort of animals could you draw if you were a prehistoric person living in Arizona 2,000 years ago? Would you like to try cave painting?