1 Name the Elephant in the Room Get where you want to go
2 Naming the Elephant Redesigning Orientation
3 Where We Started New Student Orientation –Successfully met goal of registering new students –Segmented approach to orientation –Each segment had its own objective
4 Why Fix What Isn’t Broken? Expand initial goal of registering students Orientation needed leadership to evolve Independent function did not mean collaboration Shift in focus from unit to student Successful pilot with Technical Enrollment Facilitators
5 Critical Conversations Key managers – keep it small What are the objectives Listen Document Standing Meetings
Orientation Redesign Objectives and Goals All new first time students must attend Expansion of online services to students Meeting students where they are at Introduction to FYE approach Students will connect with faculty, staff, current students and each other Students will explore and utilize pertinent resources (services and technologies) Students will learn how to use basic educational planning tools 6
7 Evaluation 1,665 students who attended orientation between April and August % (1,328) completed an evaluation form New students made connections with faculty, staff, current students 80% could recall their Orientation Leaders name 78% were satisfied meeting ECC faculty and staff and 84% were satisfied with their ECC counselor Students explored and utilized college resources 86% could identify the functions of 5 different college service areas 82% were satisfied with the technology session which includes their experience with AccessECC, Payment Plan, and Registering for classes Students learned how to use basic educational planning tools 71% could identify the information found in the college catalog 83% were satisfied with student expectations
Is Our Elephant Still Trumpeting?
Continued Conversations Bring key managers back into the room Discuss evaluation Discuss staff input Formulate new goals 9
10 What is the Future? Online component Expansion of FYE model Increase efficiencies with limited resources Student engagement opportunities
QUESTIONS? Jennifer McClure, PhD Registrar