BLP Building Learning Power
The Four Rs Resourcefulness Reflectiveness Resilience Reciprocity
RESOURCEFULNESS The Octopus! Being ready, willing and able to learn in different ways.. Questioning Making links Imagining Reasoning Capitalising
Reflectiveness The owl! Being ready, willing and able to become more strategic about learning. Planning Revising Distilling Meta learning (key!!)
Resilience The elephant! Being ready, willing and able to lock onto learning Absorption Managing distractions Noticing Perseverance
Reciprocity The Bear! Being ready, willing and able to learn alone and with others Interdependence Collaboration Empathy and listening Imitation
Dependency. Lets reduce it! We want our pupils to be able to think for themselves... Be problem solvers... Being proactive, not reactive Taking initiative Not needing to be told what to do Taking, not shirking responsibility Not blaming others
What can we do at home? Resilience (being like an elephant!) Demonstrate sticking at things even if they are tricky Talk about how you feel when you are taking on challenges Praise your child when they keep going! Help them to find interests and activities that really get involved in and love! Talk with them about what helps them to concentrate and manage distractions
Resourcefulness (being like an octopus!) Encourage questions Making links between different ideas Fire up your child’s imagination Help them to find ways of using resources such as reference books, dictionaries, the Internet
Reflectiveness (being like an owl!) Encourage them to take responsibility for preparing for school Ask not what they did at school, but what they learned Help them to think about, and plan, activities Encourage flexibility..
Reciprocity (being like a bear!) Demonstrate/model being a good learner Work and play alongside your children, enabling them to pick up good habits through imitation Make expectations of turn-taking and cooperation clear