Oil Fields Greg Sinning
Oil Field Information An oilfield is an area in which there are large deposits of oil An oilfield is an area in which there are large deposits of oil The two largest oilfields are located in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia The two largest oilfields are located in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia The oilfield in Kuwait is called the Burgan oil field and the one in Saudi Arabia is called Ghawar oil field The oilfield in Kuwait is called the Burgan oil field and the one in Saudi Arabia is called Ghawar oil field
Oilfield The Ghawar oilfield contains approximately billion barrels of oil The Ghawar oilfield contains approximately billion barrels of oil In the past ten years the Ghawar oilfield has consistently produced 5 million barrels of oil a year. In the past ten years the Ghawar oilfield has consistently produced 5 million barrels of oil a year.
Oilfields: Ghawar Oilfield
Work Cited Afifi, A (2005 ). The Elephant of all Elephants. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from Web site: Afifi, A (2005 ). The Elephant of all Elephants. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from Web site: Oil field. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from Dictionary.com website: field Oil field. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from Dictionary.com website: field field field Oil field. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from Reference.com website: Oil field. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from Reference.com website:
Oilfields: Ghawar Oilfield The Ghawar Field was formed during the Carboniferous Hercynian deformation The Ghawar Field is an asymmetrical anticline that is steeper on the western side and the deeper sections are more complex and comprise several en echelon horst blocks. The oil was sourced from Jurassic organic- rich lime mudstonesThe oil was sourced from Jurassic organic- rich lime mudstones