1. How do you put a giraffe in a refrigerator?
Open the door, put in the giraffe, and close the door. This sees if you overcomplicate things.
2. How do you put an elephant in a refrigerator?
2. How do you put a elephant in a refrigerator? Open the door, take out the giraffe, and put in the elephant. This sees if you understand the repercussions of your actions.
3. The Lion King called a conference and all the animals came except one. Which one didn’t come?
The elephant of course; it is in the refrigerator. This tests your memory.
4. There is a river used by crocodiles you must cross. You don’t have a boat. How do you cross the river?
The crocodiles are at the meeting aren’t they? This sees if you learn from your mistakes.
Sutherlin High School | Introduction to Agricultural Science
Is FFA the “Future Farmers of America?” No! The name is now the “National FFA Organization” It was changed in 1988 to reflect the changes in agriculture and the decreasing number of people in production agriculture
From the top down: National Organization Region State Association District Chapter
From the bottom up: Chapter: Sutherlin District: Umpqua District State Association: Oregon FFA Association Region: Western Region National Organization: The National FFA Organization
National FFA Center: Indianapolis, IN National FFA Convention: Indianapolis National FFA Advisor Dr. Steven Brown 6 National Officers: 1 President 1 Secretary 4 Vice Presidents (one from each region)
National Activities CDE’s (competitions) National Convention Leadership Conferences Washington Leadership Conference
State Office in Corvallis 6 State Officers President: Jerry Risk, Sutherlin Vice President: Mitchell Evers, Banks Secretary: Mitch Salo, Canby Treasurer: Zech Heintz, Heppner Reporter: Garrett Kitamura, Ontario Sentinel: Alex Yancey, Henley
State Advisor Dr. Reynold Gardner, Oregon Department of Education
What does the state do? State officers attend leadership camps, visit every chapter, and represent Oregon FFA members The state office organizes all state CDE’s, state convention, state fair, and many other statewide activities
12 Districts in Oregon Northwest Lower Willamette Upper Willamette Capital Umpqua Southern Oregon Central Oregon Mount Hood Blue Mountain Eastern Oregon Strawberry Mountain Snake River
7 Chapters Sutherlin Oakland Elkton Roseburg Glide Days Creek Myrtle Point
District Activities Leadership Camp District CDE’s District Meetings District Officers 6 District Officers District Vice President: Kylee Carson District Reporter: Caylin Hobgood
Many activities throughout the year Leadership, service, fundraisers, social, competitions, etc Travel to district, sectional, state, national competitions and activities Next meeting: October 15, 7pm
Chapter Officers: Kylee Carson Kaylee Terry Caylin Hobgood Jessica Freeman Kiana Gorla Bethany Spelgatti
Discovery Degree Greenhand Degree Chapter Degree State Degree American Degree
Four types of Membership Active Collegiate Honorary Alumni