Internet Librarian 2007 Monterey, CA Innovative Learning Environments in Academe: Captivating Captivates, Powerful Podcasts, and Interactive iLearning Resources Presented by Frank Anthony Vuotto Business Librarian & Faculty Vice Chair, Academic Senate California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, CA
The entire uncut presentation is available online at: /
Overview This presentation examines innovative technologies currently utilized by the Kennedy Library at Cal Poly. These technologies enhance the educational experience, engage students, support life-long learning skills and provide value to the teaching and learning community.
Overview More specifically, we will explore potential uses and strategic integration of software packages such as Captivate 2, Flash 8, ActionScript, and Podcast Factory to create media-rich, interactive learning environments.
What is Captivate? Adobe® Captivate™ 2 software enables anyone to rapidly create powerful and engaging simulations, software demonstrations, and scenario-based training without programming knowledge or multimedia skills. Content development frameworks include:
What is Captivate? Screen Recording and Demo: Capture and record screen activity and effortlessly synchronize audio and video Software Simulations: Develop and deploy engaging computer simulations and skill assessments Scenario-Based Training: Rapidly develop soft- skills training with complex branching scenarios Presentations: Design engaging, interactive Adobe Flash® and multimedia presentations online
Categories The author has developed categories, or venues, for potential integration of Captivate projects. These categories serve as suggested strategic points of implementation and integration within the larger framework of interactive learning environments in education. Venues are grouped together within distinct categories that serve different purposes.
Categories Promotional – Brief Flash videos that showcase key resources. Instructional Database Demonstration Tutorials – ADA Compliant tutorials with voice narration and closed caption options.
Categories Interactive Training Modules – Interactive tutorials that allow users to learn at their own pace. The tutorials pause until the correct area is clicked. Captivate offers many customization options including attempt numbers, prompt messages, scoring, and a wide range of other variables.
Categories Online Tests, Quizzes and Assignments – Embed quizzes or tests directly into instructional Web sites. Captivate allows instructors to create self-scoring quizzes that generate a variety of question types such as Multiple Choice, True/False, Fill in the blank, Short answer, Matching, and Likert.
Categories Course Integration – Customized interactive, media-rich tutorials that align with course learning objectives and outcomes.
High-Quality Podcasts Information Literacy with a new twist - podcasts that come bundled with PDF printer-friendly documents. Tools such as Podcast Factory, Garage Band, Audacity and M-Audio are among the tools used to develop MP3 files for student uploading.
The Big Picture – Portals The author utilizes – and recommends – a centralized model that provides a variety of value-added resources. The Business Research Portal provides centralized and direct access to more than 100 comprehensive research guides, interactive tutorials, proprietary market data, and subject-specific information literacy frameworks:
The Big Picture – Portals Topical Research Guides: More than 60 business topics from accounting and finance to climate data and wine. Customized Course-Specific Research Guides: Guides include interactive, media- rich tutorials.
The Big Picture – Portals Specialized Collections: Developed in collaboration with teaching faculty to meet the research needs of emerging, new or expanding programs and courses. eLearning Resources: High-Quality Podcasts, Captivate2 Tutorials, Interactive Flash Videos, and Information Literacy Modules.
The Big Picture – Portals Faculty Research Resources: Journal Rankings, Impact Indices, and Cited-By Data for hundreds of journals. Top-10 Collections: Identifies the best resources by area and provides comprehensive product descriptions and how-to-cite information.
The Big Picture – Portals New Books: Hot Picks collection showcases new releases each month and provides links to all recent orders arranged by business areas.
Marketing Strategies If the Circus comes to town and you hang posters on buildings to announce its arrival, that's advertising. If you hang a poster on an elephant and march it through downtown, that's promotion. If the elephant charges over to the Mayor's house and destroys his rose garden, that's publicity. And if the Mayor does a TV spot during the local news hour and laughs about the whole thing -- that's public relations. - Paraphrased from The Zen of Marketing
Marketing Strategies Outreach Venues - Faculty –Services Brochure –Fall Quarter Library Reception for New Faculty –Quarterly Newsletter Outreach Venues - Students –Open House –Summer Advising –Week of Welcome –First Year Experience
Website Special Features The Inside the Technology feature provides a behind-the-scenes look at some of the techniques and resources utilized during the development process. –Captivate Story Board Notes –Garage Band Filters Checklist –Images and Music –Loop Technology for Promotional Flash Videos –Inserting Silence into Narration –And Much More!
Contact Information Frank Vuotto Business & Agribusiness Librarian, Faculty California Polytechnic State University Robert E. Kennedy Library San Luis Obispo, CA (805)