Haiku Japanese Poetry HOW IT WORKS Each poem has three lines. Lines 1 and 3 each have five syllables. Line 2 has seven syllables.
Copyright © 2010 by Gamehinge Stray Cat I walked in the rain Got wet but found a stray cat Now the cat’s my pet
Book Went to a book store I Found a book and bought it Now I can read it
Letter Went to my mailbox Found a letter from a friend Better than
Bicycle Tire My bike had a flat So I got out my air pump Now I’m riding off
Hands on a Clock My clock has two hands They tell me what time it is It’s time for recess
Eraser My pencil is sharp It has a good eraser I can fix mistakes
Animal Poems that have four lines and some rhymes
Shark A shark is a fish That lives in the sea If I’m not careful He might eat me Copyright © 2010 by Gamehinge
Bear A bear is an animal With lots of thick fur She hunts in the summer And sleeps in the winter
Hawk A hawk is a bird That likes the sky When he flaps his wings He can fly very high
Elephant An elephant is huge Much bigger than a skunk She doesn’t go anywhere Without her trunk