The blue whale is one of the most amazing animals on the planet Not only is it the biggest and the loudest animal that has ever lived It’s food is one of the smallest. Krill is a small sea animal that lives in large swarm’s. Blue whales are carnivores. It can eat up to 35 tonne of krill every day. {that’s about fifty cars in weight} it is lucky there is a lot of krill in the sea
Blue whales look’s true blue underwater, but on the surface their colouring is more a mottled blue-grey. Their underbellies take on a yellowish hue from the millions of small animals that take up residence in their skin. The blue whale has a broad, flat head and a long pointy body that ends in a wide, triangular tail. Blue whales tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant. Their hearts, as much as a car. The picture opposite shows the size of the blue whale compared to some other interesting creatures. Facts
Blue whales can reach speeds of 50 kilometres per hour over short bursts, usually when interacting with other whales, but 20 kilometres per hour is a more typical traveling speed. When feeding, they slow down to 5 kilometres per hour. Females give birth once every two to three years at the start of the winter after carrying their baby's for 10 to 12 months. The calf weighs about 2.5 metric tonnes and is around 7 metres in length. Baby blue whales drink about 500 litres of milk a day, that’s about 1/3 of a spa pool!!.
Change Ever since whaling was banned, scientist's don’t know if blue whales are decreasing or increasing in numbers. After blue whales were almost extinct not many people have been doing any research on them. Some people guest how many blue whales there are. But as you can see this picture can explain how bad the whaling was. I think whales are endangered because of the toll from the terrible whaling. Please help the blue whales by sending s and letters to the local council and the New Zealand government about the blue whale crisis. Be imaginative.
Blue whales under threat Blue whales are beautiful mammals and they are under threat by getting stuck in fishing nets or hurt by the propellers of ships,they need plenty of food, and sometimes people take to much fish & krill from the sea and do not leave enough for the blue whales, this can lead into big problems. Sadly some country's want to start whaling again.