Descending Mt. Stupid Avalanche mistakes and misunderstandings By Tom Rogers
Phrases uttered atop Mt. Stupid: “Historically, the Amazons would cut off their right breast so they could shoot a bow and arrow.” “The American Civil War really had nothing to do with slavery.”
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
We’re always cautious when skiing in the backcountry- only one skier goes at a time!
You ski this chute first and then stand directly in the middle, and I’ll just ski right down on top of you.
We’ve got a bomber group of experienced backcountry skiers. What could possibly go wrong!?
Heck with the avalanche gear – I’m skiing the East!
We always dig a pit on the first day of our week-long backcountry ski trips!
Snow pits Snow pits are great for telling you the conditions of the snowpack at that time, on that slope, in the current weather.
(And for some reason we dig them in completely flat fields!!)
Yeah, Jenny took a 2- day avalanche seminar back in college! She totally knows what she’s doing! You sure about this?
Authority is greatly overrated Odds of dying in an avalanche increases with level 1 avalanche certification
I’m such a good skier, which naturally means I know a lot about avalanche safety!
Skiing ability Avalanche knowledge
I’m not scared– I’ve got all the proper avi gear!
Avi gear is mostly useless
Like a seatbelt on a plane
Best piece of avalanche gear
Second best piece of avalanche gear
Did you guys remember to rent your avi gear? Yup!Absolutely! Borrowed it from a friend!
Avalanche gear you don’t know how to use is totally useless
I’m okay with dying doing something I love
Avalanches are not glamorous education/op-ed-calling-bullsht/ education/op-ed-calling-bullsht/
Avalanches are not glamorous education/op-ed-calling-bullsht/ education/op-ed-calling-bullsht/ 12 feet of snow in a week, a fresh foot overnight
Avalanches are not glamorous Jared Spackman, Jackson, WY,
Will this group die in an avalanche?
Will this group die in an avalanche? Probably not!
Now onto a review of basic avalanche concepts…
Avalanche Triangle Snowpack Weather Terrain Human
Avalanche Triangle Snowpack Weather Terrain Human
Terrain, terrain, terrain “When snowpack, weather, or people are the question, terrain is the answer.” – Bruce Tremper Bruce Tremper
Snow Pits
Rescuing an avalanche victim 1)Watch the victim
Rescuing an avalanche victim 1)Watch the victim 2)Make sure the danger has passed
Rescuing an avalanche victim 1)Watch the victim 2)Make sure the danger has passed 3)Scan the surface of the snow
Rescuing an avalanche victim 1)Watch the victim 2)Make sure the danger has passed 3)Scan the surface of the snow 4)Tell other skiers to turn their beacons to search mode
Rescuing an avalanche victim 1)Watch the victim 2)Make sure the danger has passed 3)Scan the surface of the snow 4)Tell other skiers to turn their beacons to search mode 5)Turn your beacon to search mode
Search Patterns
Rescuing an avalanche victim 1)Watch the victim 2)Make sure the danger has passed 3)Scan the surface of the snow 4)Tell other skiers to turn their beacons to search mode 5)Turn your beacon to search mode 6)Probe
Probe line 86% of the 140 victims found (since 1950) by probing were already dead.
Rescuing an avalanche victim 1)Watch the victim 2)Make sure the danger has passed 3)Scan the surface of the snow 4)Tell other skiers to turn their beacons to search mode 5)Turn your beacon to search mode 6)Probe 7)Shovel
Rescuing an avalanche victim 1)Watch the victim 2)Make sure the danger has passed 3)Scan the surface of the snow 4)Tell other skiers to turn their beacons to search mode 5)Turn your beacon to search mode 6)Probe 7)Shovel 8)Treat victim
Treating an avalanche victim
1)Move only if necessary, otherwise dig around
Treating an avalanche victim 1)Move only if necessary, otherwise dig around 2)Check ABC’s
Treating an avalanche victim 1)Move only if necessary, otherwise dig around 2)Check ABC’s 3)Administer CPR for up to 30 minutes
Treating an avalanche victim 1)Move only if necessary, otherwise dig around 2)Check ABC’s 3)Administer CPR for up to 30 minutes 4)Check for shock and continue secondary assessment
Treating an avalanche victim 1)Move only if necessary, otherwise dig around 2)Check ABC’s 3)Administer CPR for up to 30 minutes 4)Check for shock and continue secondary assessment 5)Stabilize for neck or spinal injuries
Treating an avalanche victim 1)Move only if necessary, otherwise dig around 2)Check ABC’s 3)Administer CPR for up to 30 minutes 4)Check for shock and continue secondary assessment 5)Stabilize for neck or spinal injuries 6)Evac immediately
And finally…The Kings of Mt. Stupid