Turning Talent Into Productivity
Open doors are a great management practice
Open doors are a portal to drama
Efficiency Outcomes Process Teams Accountability Management Empathy Responsiveness Team-work Resources Individual Coaching & Development Leadership Loyalty
In changing times, lead first, manage second. “ “ ”
Change Mindsets Change Mindsets Change Reality Change Reality Quit Typical Responses to Trends BMW Drive
Great leaders work to perfect employee circumstances “
Great leaders work to bullet proof employees
Employee satisfaction surveys work
Actually, most just survey victims
Why do we survey for engagement? BUSINESS RESULTS
A Story
The Design Flaws
Design Flaw #1
All employee are NOT equally credible. Treating their opinions as equal is INSANE.
Perfecting employee circumstances will drive engagement. Design Flaw #2
Perfecting employee circumstances drives ENTITLEMENT, not engagement.
Design Flaw #3
Engagement doesn’t drive results. Personal Accountability drives both engagement AND results.
If…If… Treating all employees responses the same is insane. and Perfecting circumstances creates entitlement. and Personal accountability is the true driver of performance.
Then…Then… It’s time for a different approach to engagement.
Employee Value = Current Performance + Future Potential - Emotional Expense
Personal Accountability Reality Based Leadership Change Capitalization Organizational Alignment Driving for Results Emotional Expensiveness
There is no “I” in team
There is an “I” in win
The Mindset that results happen because of one’s actions, not in spite of them Accountable people believe that they choose their own destiny Personal Accountability
The willingness to do whatever it takes to get results. The ability to stay the course in the face of obstacles and setbacks. The acceptance of the consequences of our actions, good or bad. The perspective to see success and failure as learning experiences to fuel future success.
There are no stupid questions
There are VERY STUPID questions
Why doesn’t anyone tell me anything? Why do they keep changing? When will they get it? Personal Accountability, QBQ.com by John Miller
What? How? “I” Action Personal Accountability, QBQ.com by John Miller
Reality-based Leadership
The average person spends Two hours a day arguing with reality
Event Thinking Feeling Actions Results Reality Based Thinking
Right or happy?
After the story... How can I help? What is the next right action?
The minute you start judging... You STOP serving You STOP leading You STOP adding value
Organizational Alignment
Everyone has a right to their opinion and should be included in the decision-making process
We have all been replaced by Google
Does My Opinion Count? Decision Role: Decision Consultant Informed Role: To do whatever it takes to make it work
Capitalizing on Change
Change is hard
We have been soft on change
Work with The willing
Resistant, irrelevant employees are inherited
Your Charlie Sheen of the workplace was created by your own actions
1.Stop surveying the victims. 2.Close your doors. 3.Work with the willing. 4.Measure value not performance. 5.Fix the right stuff – emotional expense. 6.Accountability is KEY!!! 7.Work with the willing. 8.Value actions over opinions. 9.Buy in is not optional - engage or leave.
Thanks! cywakeman.com
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