By lalrin, Sean
INTRODUCTION Storage devices are used to store your important devices safely. There are many types of storage devices such as ROM, RAM, Floppy Disk, Zip disk, etc. They all have strengths and weaknesses and you need to pick the best one that fit your purpose.
ROM Rom is a special kind of memory that stores data on the computer. It is used when the computer boots up.Its chips are attached to the Motherboard. It’s bad because you can only read the information that is inside it. You can’t actually change the data. One advantage of Rom is that the data is not erased when the computer is switched off, but it is stored permanently. In other words, it’s not volatile.
RAM Ram is a volatile computer device that allows you to have many windows opened and switch between them. One advantage of this computer device is that when you have a large RAM, it gives the computer enough room to work so it doesn’t make it slow. One disadvantage of this computer device is that once the computer is switched off accidently, the information is gone forever. It’s a ‘temporary memory’.
Hard Disk It’s a main storage device in computers where all of our data files and applications are saved. It is like a ‘filling cabinet’. The data is stored in the metal platters in Hard Disk. It stores and retrieves data much faster than floppy disks or CD-ROMs. The disadvantage is that it is fixed inside the computer and can’t easily transferred from one computer to another.
Floppy Disk Floppy disk is one of the oldest types of storage devices, that are still in use. They used to be an idealized storage device for carrying small work from home to work such as school or office. Floppy disks are a magnetic storage device. An advantage of a floppy disk is that it is light, in other words, it is portable. It’s also cheap, and can be used many times. A disadvantage of a floppy disk is that it is fragile and can be broken easily. Also it has only small amount of capacity and can transport viruses from a computer to another. In addition, Many new computers don't have floppy disk drives
Zip Disks Zip disk is one type of storage devices that was once very popular. It looks a bit thicker than a floppy disk, otherwise, they look quite similar. Zip disks needed a separate plug in drive, which was an extra expense. Advantages of zip disks are that they are portable, and can store a lot of data. In addition, they can store more data than the floppy disks. Disadvantages of zip disks are that they need a separate zip drive to read the disk, and almost obsolete now. Also they are quite expensive that they require more expense than the floppy disks.
Magnetic Tape Magnetic Tape is one type of storage devices that is used by large organizations such as schools and offices, that need to back up a large amount of data daily. It uses 'serial access' to find a piece of data. Advantages of Magnetic Tapes are that they are relatively cheap per megabyte of storage. Also it can store huge amount of date, over 100GB. Disadvantages of Magnetic Tapes are that they are 'serial access' so it can be quite slow to access data. Furthermore, it also needs a special to read and record the data on the tape.
Compact Disks (CD) CD can be divided in three zones. CD-ROM (Read Only Memory ), CD-WORM (Write Once Read Many ), and CD-RW (Read and write). They are known as optical storage devices. Data is burned by a laser beam in the CD drive. Advantages of Compact Disks are that they are portable, small and fast at accessing data. Furthermore, most computers can read CDs. Disadvantages of Compact Disks are that they are quite fragile that they can lose its data by being snapped or scratched.
Digital Versatile Disk (DVD) They are the most common method of copying and backing up data. It’s an optical device and laser beam is used to store and read the data. There are various types of DVDs. (DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW and DVD+RW) Advantages of DVDs are that they are cheap, can be played by a DVD player, and keep data in a good quality. In addition, it has a very large storage capacity. Disadvantages of DVDs are that they don’t work in CD drives, and can lose it data easily by being scratched or breaking.
Flash Memory It is often called USB. It is usually small, lightweight, removable and rewritable. Its advantages are that they have a large amount of storage room, and it’s compact, light and safe than any other devices. It is often fashionable. Its disadvantages are that it can be easily lost since it is often small, and the metal part in the corner of it can be snapped off if they are handled roughly, which unable it to be connected with the computer. It’s also quite expensive. In addition, it’s more expensive than floppy disks, CDs or DVDs per megabyte.
What are storage devices? 1.A type of hamburger… It’s made of vegetable and is very deliciousA type of hamburger… It’s made of vegetable and is very delicious 2.Machines that are used to store your important devices safely.Machines that are used to store your important devices safely. 3.A type of sport.A type of sport. 4.Machines that are used to print your work.Machines that are used to print your work.
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Answer NO YOU ARE STUPID!!! But not as much as Babur Try AgainTry Again
What is the full form of USB? Universal System Browser. Universal Subnet Bisor. Universal Serial Bus. Universe System Bomb.
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Answer CORRET!!! You’re a genius, not as me! Next question Next question
What does MB stand for 1.Mega BaburMega Babur 2.Monster BaburMonster Babur 3.MegabyteMegabyte 4.Monkey BaburMonkey Babur
Answer Oh my god!! Are you seriously stupid??? I bet your IQ is under 5!!! But you are smarter than lalrin and babur… GO BACK
ANSWER Oh correct… I never knew that you were gonna get this right… But still, I’m smarter than you,,, HAHA
ANSWER Oh correct… I never knew that you were gonna get this right… But still, I’m smarter than you,,, HAHA NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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