“It’s the economy, stupid!”
It’s the godlessness, stupid!!! ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
Jimmy Carter: US Ready to Elect Gay President Friday, 17 Dec :37 PM By David A. Patten © Newsmax. Former President Jimmy Carter says U.S. voters have reached the point where they would be willing to elect a gay president “ in the near future. ”… “ I think the entire population of America has come tremendous strides forward in dealing with the issue of gays, ” Carter said in the video. He also compared the emergence of gay-rights concerns with the rise of the Civil Rights movement some 50 years ago.... Asked if he foresees a day when voters would elect a gay person to be commander in chief, Carter replied: “ I would say the answer is yes. I don ’ t know about next election, but I think in the near future. ”…
Galatians Summary Outline I. I. Ch 1-2: Defense of Message and Messenger II. II. Ch 3-4: Grace-Faith versus Law-Works III. III. Ch 5-6: New Life in the Spirit
Ch 3-4: Grace-Faith versus Law-Works A. 3:1-9The Preeminence of Faith B. 3:10-14The Curse of Works C. 3:15-18The Precedent of Promise D. 3:19-25The Purpose of the Law E. 3:26-4:7Sons and Heirs through Christ F. 4:8-18The Emptiness of Legalism G. 4:19-31Law and Grace Cannot Coexist
“The Test Question” Believing what was heard“observing the law”? The true gospelThe legalizers “gospel” 3:6-9Faith (“Abraham”) 3:15-18Faith (“covenant”) 3:23-29Faith (“heirs”) 3:10-14Law (“the curse”) 3:19-22Law (“transgressions”) 4:1-7Law (“bondage”)
“covenant” diaqh,kh DIATHĒKĒ
“confirm” kurovw KUROŌ to make valid to make valid to confirm publicly or solemnly; to ratify to confirm publicly or solemnly; to ratify
Abrahamic Covenant James Boice “In Abraham’s day an oath was sometimes confirmed by a ceremony in which animals were cut into two parts along the backbone and placed in two rows, the rows facing each other across a space marked off between them. The parties to the oath walked together into the space between the parts and spoke their promises there. This oath would be especially sacred because of the shed blood. It was this ceremony God enacted with Abraham (Gen 15). But it had this exception: In the case of God’s covenant with Abraham, God alone passed between the pieces of the slain animals, thereby signifying that he alone stood behind the promises.”
“promises” evpaggeli,a EPANGELIA “gifts graciously bestowed without negotiation” (Merryman) “gifts graciously bestowed without negotiation” (Merryman) “the plural is used because the one promise to Abraham was variously repeated” “the plural is used because the one promise to Abraham was variously repeated”