COMPUTER – That Starts with “C” and that Rhymes with “T” and that Stands for Trouble!
IT MAY BE TROUBLE IF… You use a computer in lieu of FTF communication It keeps you from experiencing the rest of your life
Does the Computer affect my memory of important stuff? Birthdays Phone numbers Information to help me pass the driver’s license exam, SAT, GRE
DOES THE COMPUTER MAKE ME STUPID OR DO I ACT STUPID WHEN USING TECHNOLOGY? Texting people who are in the same room Talking on cell phone during dinner out or in Texting while driving…$185 or worse Internet surfing on a laptop while driving Looking up the answer vs. Problem-Solving
COMPUTERS & INTERPERSONAL DYNAMICS Has the computer usage affected my ability to communicate effectively? What about my negotiation skills? Am I losing my assertive edge? The “eyes” used to have it!
HOW CAN WE USE COMPUTER KNOW-HOW TO KNOW HOW? I researched and studied and aced that test!
HOW CAN WE USE COMPUTER KNOW-HOW TO KNOW HOW? I used the GPS and Reached my destination ahead of schedule!
HOW CAN WE USE COMPUTER KNOW-HOW TO KNOW HOW? I had a flat tire and called AAA to help because I remembered to bring my cell phone with me!
HOW CAN WE USE COMPUTER KNOW-HOW TO KNOW HOW? I taught myself how to knit!
HOW CAN WE USE COMPUTER KNOW-HOW TO KNOW HOW? I pay my bills – online and on time!!
HOW CAN WE USE COMPUTER KNOW-HOW TO KNOW HOW? I went back to college and earned a degree!
HERE’S HOW THE COMPUTER CAN BECOME A FRIEND TO YOU Use it as a Resource The Computer Can Assist Your Brain but It Doesn’t Replace Your Brain We Can Learn More when More Information is Available Computer Technology Makes Education More Accessible to Everyone
HERE’S HOW THE COMPUTER CAN BECOME A FRIEND TO YOU Use it at home Banking Create greeting cards Learn a new skill Use it with friends Keep in Touch – social media Use it at work Learn More, Do More, Be More