The Journalist as Entrepreneur Always say ‘Yes’: The so-called life of a freelancer Mary Evans
P J O’Rourke, 2010 I spent 40 years as a writer and now I'm a content provider. And content is free on the Internet!
The Primark Principle It’s everywhere, It’s cheap to produce It’s really hard to find the good stuff
Old News? Year-on-year % drop The Sun: -7.71% Daily Mail: -4.63% Daily Telegraph: -7.38% The Times: % The Guardian: -14.1%
ABCs August 2011 Men's Health : 218,368 (digital = 1746) HELLO! : 413,311 (digital = 1165) Overall UK magazine circulation 2010 (46,003,577) ; 2011 (46,200,127)
Your Career Inc CEO = You Research Marketing Sales Diversification Profit Saying Yes. Always.
Research Know your market (Media Guardian, Press Gazette, Broadcast) Learn your trade (training, work experience, college mag) Find your niche
Marketing - See-me CV - SELL DON’T TELL - Making your move – out with the old?
Social media
You Only Need One “Yes”!
Sales Sell yourself Sell your work
Work Experience Every Little Helps Find the right place (or the place for right now) If at first you don’t succeed Make the tea, but don’t be a mug Use it, don’t lose it
Perfect Pitch Ideas not articles Find the right pitch and pitch it right The Big ‘O’ It had to be you Talent borrows, genius steals
Because You’re Worth It!
Diversification Copywriting PR & Press releases B2B – big industry In-store mags: Tesco and Asda have the biggest circulation of any mag – both have circulation of nearly 2 million Charities – might not be paid, but may lead to paid work Other creative writing Teaching
Profit It’s all about the money, money, money What’s your price? Can you be bought?
Why you should be an accountant What will tomorrow bring? No sleep ‘till Brooklyn… Broken Ladder You snooze, you lose
Why you should be a journalist Show me the Money I answer to no man Your flexible friend The greatest gift that I possess
Thanks and a final thought… P J O’Rourke I like to think of my behavior in the sixties as a "learning experience”. Then again, I like to think of anything stupid I've done as a "learning experience”. It makes me feel less stupid.