Classes of Lexical Verbs Verb complementation
Overview Verbs select different kinds of syntactic objects to form a complete VP, along 3 dimensions: Syntactic function (object(s), predicative complement, adjuncts) Syntactic category (NP, S´, PP, AdvP, AP) Semantic function (Agentive, Theme, Locative, Temporal, etc.)
General structure of VP VP AuxV´ VXPselects Functions V selects the category of XP and determines its syntactic and semantic functions
The ambiguity of ‘complement’ Complement Subject- Comple- ment (C S ) Object Comple- ment (C O ) Adverbial Comple- ment (C A ) Direct (O D ) Indirect (O I ) Prepositional Object (O P ) ObjectPrepositional Complement (Predicative) Complement
Transitivity: selection of syntactic functions Intransitives select no complements Transitives select objects Monotransitives select one, direct, object (O D ) Ditansitives select two objects, one indirect (O I ) and one direct Complex transitives select one direct object and one adjunct (C A ) Intensives select predicative complements Simple intensives select a subject predicative complement (C S ) Complex intensives select a direct object and an object predicative complement (C O )
Intransitives break call *give laugh meander *put run win VP AuxV´ V Johnmay S NP Subject Ø XP
Monotransitives break call give laugh *meander *put run win VP AuxV´ V Johnmay S NP Subject the news a cab a fiver a silly laugh the book the horse a prize NP ODOD
Test for objects: passivization break call give laugh *meander *put run win VP AuxV´ V may S NP Subject NP ODOD (by John) PP be -en the news a cab a fiver ?a silly laugh the book the horse a prize t
Ditransitives the news a cab a fiver a silly laugh the horse a prize NP ODOD John *break call give *laugh *meander *run win VP AuxV´ V may S NP Subject V´ NP his parents us me them us himself OIOI
Complex transitives over up ? on the shelf down ? AdvP/PP CACA John S call give *laugh *meander put run *win VP AuxV´ V may NP Subject V´ NP me his sister a silly laugh the book the horse a prize ODOD
Phrasal and prepositional verbs Phrasal verbs: V + (Adverbial) Particle + NP (O D ) John gave his sister up = John gave up his sister John gave her up *John gave up her Prepositional verbs: V + PP John looked at his sister *John looked his sister at John looked at her *John looked her at
Simple intensives be become cut make run seem turn VP AuxV´ V Johnmay S NP Subject a nice chap / very nice a cab driver / famous a fine figure / *AP a good husband / good *NP/ naked a nice guy / nice *NP 1) / green NP/AP CSCS 1) Notice turn traitor (idiomatic)
Complex intensives an idiot / stupid *NP / raw *NP / tired NP/AP COCO John S call eat run VP AuxV´ V may NP Subject V´ NP his sister his steak the horse ODOD
Selection of category John prefersGreek beerNP John prefersthat we take a taxiS´ John prefersto take a taxiInfP John prefersfor us to take a taxiInfP John prefersgoing by taxiGerP *John prefersfor a taxiPP *John prefersmoderatelyAdvP *John prefersvery prettyAdjP