A Letter
A Scroll
A Codex
Jesus in Revelation Scene 1
Letters to 7 churches Scene 2
Scene 3 Describing the Indescribable!
Elders & Crowns
Four Four Living Living Beings... Beings... Lion of Judah Ox of Ephraim Man of Reuben Eagle of Dan Matthew Luke John Mark
Thunder & Lightning Thunder & Lightning
Revelation Chapter 5, verses
Scene 3
1. A Seriously Sealed Scroll S S S Seal – representing authority. S S S Seal – so something can’t leak
Visions of Isaiah & Daniel I I I Isaiah 29:11-12 D D D Daniel 12:4
Revelation Revelation = Apocalypse uncovering, disclosure, lifting the veil
2. A Seriously Stupendous Scene THE HOLY TRINITY TTTThe One on the throne – Creator/Father God TTTThe Lamb who was slain – Jesus Christ, Son of God TTTThe seven spirits of God – Holy Spirit
2. A Seriously Stupendous Scene “To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honour and glory and power forever and ever.”
NASA - largest picture ever taken – click this link
2. A Seriously Stupendous Scene Prayer Simple-minded or profound Stupid or a wonderful privilege
3. A Seriously Significant Sacrifice
3. A Seriously Significant Sacrifice
Who is worth y to open the seals? You are a lion’s cub, O Judah... the obedience of the nations is his. Genesis 49:8-10 The Lion is a Lamb