Our school Tseung Kwan O Learning place for you and me Striving for truth tirelessly Here we work and grow And we cherish harmony Friendship and morality.


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Presentation transcript:

Our school Tseung Kwan O Learning place for you and me Striving for truth tirelessly Here we work and grow And we cherish harmony Friendship and morality Prepare us all to better the world our futures bloom and glow

When something is “beyond expression”, it is difficult to describe verbally. Here, Danny is of course implying that it is difficult to describe how horrible Ms. Yeung looks. beyond expression

Sometimes when you ask somebody a question, she does not reply. Her silence is an answer in itself. Here, Roger does not want to tell Ms. Yeung she is not beautiful, so he chooses to remain quiet. Of course, Ms. Yeung does not see it that way. No answer is an answer

If you “have a crush on somebody”, it means you have fallen in love with that person. have a crush on somebody

“Two heads are better than one” tells us that it is an advantage to discuss with somebody else before making an important decision. Two heads are better than one

If you say “my lips are sealed”, it means you are telling someone that you will keep a secret that they have just told you. One’s lips are sealed

If someone has fallen in love with another person at first sight, he falls in love with that person the moment he sees her. How romantic! Love at first sight

Here “policy” means “course of action”. If you have to decide on a course of action, honesty is the best and the wisest one to follow. Although dishonesty may prove profitable for a while, honesty pays in the long run. Honesty is best policy

“What’s done cannot be undone” means you cannot change what has been done.

People sometimes say they want to “curl up and die” if they are very embarrassed, uncomfortable or ill. Here, Roger feels really bad about having told that stupid lie. Curl up and die - informal

“Never say die” means never give up. While there’s life, there’s hope. Press on!

We cannot judge someone by looks alone. Physical beauty is not everything. What is more important is inner beauty. Beauty is but skin deep

Don’t ever say “ I’ll never manage to do it.” Have a go, and you will be surprised at your own ability. You never know what you can do till you try.

You tell someone that you have “your fingers crossed” for them if you want them to be successful. Have one’s fingers crossed

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Everyone to his taste There’s no disputing about tastes One man’s meat is another’s poison Tastes differ