Polar Bears Made by: Naima Osman Polar bears Made by: Naima Osman
Classification Kingdom- Animalia Phylum- Chordata Class-Mommalia Order-Carnivora Family- Urisdae Genus-Ursus Species-Maritimus Kingdom- Animalia Phylum- Chordata Class- Mommalia Order- Carnivora Family- Urisdae Genus- Ursus Species- Maritimus Classification
Dimensions Shape- The Polar bear is oval with legs and a small head Length cm Height- Male--8.5ft, female--6.5 Weight- Male—900lbs. Female—500lbs Shape- The Polar bear is oval with legs and a small head Length cm Height- Male--8.5ft, female--6.5 Weight- Male—900lbs. Female—500lbs Dimensions
Colors and Marking- They are actually black, which allows each hair to soak heat from the sun, each hair has a hollow tube that reflects light from the sun FUN FACT: The average life span of a polar bear is at least years Dimensions Colors and Marking- They are actually black, which allows each hair to soak heat from the sun, each hair has a hollow tube that reflects light from the sun FUN FACT: The average life span of a polar bear is at least years
Habitat Part of world: The part of the world were polar bears are commonly found at is icy cold regions, Russia, Alaska, Canada, and, Greenland. Environment: Icy and cold The polar bears habitat is a cold icy region much like a cold tundra which they are seen to by found in
Diet Meat- The Polar Bear is one of the largest Meat-eaters in the world!!!!. It eats meat but its favorite meal to eat is the ringed seal The Polar Bear does not eat plants.
Family Life Offspring- They usually have babies at the age of 4 to 5 and older. Number of offspring's- They usually have 2 at a time and keep them in a cave to keep them warm. When born- They are born on the months of December to January.
Family life Care of- For up to 30 months in nursing, they nurse by feeding the cub milk from the mothers stomach. Shelter-They usually live in a cave for protection and warmth. FUN FACT: In the years of nursing, a male comes to get the mother and chase away the cub or cubs.
Social behavior The polar bear spends 25% of the day hunting. When not hunting they are often sleeping
Characteristics Temperament- They are ferocious, polar bears are related to grizzly bears, but are more friendly and easy going then a grizzly bear. Habitats and Unique behavior- Like humans they walk with their heels first! They use twice as much energy to move then any other animal. Play fighting has been observed between male and female. The cubs tackle each other.
Characteristics Defenses- They use their claws and teeth Acquiring food- They hunt, through ice and catch food. The average life span of a polar bear is 25years FUN FACT: When being chased or chasing prey a polar bear can run up to 40kph for short distance.
History In the 1970’s, Hunting polar bears has been under control of the International Agreement. Once again numbers of polar bears have increased.
Present status The Polar Bears are listed of species of concern. The treat to Polar Bears are ecological changes from global warming.
Relations to humans Humans over the years have hunted polar bears and used them for their meat and fur.
Fun Facts: They are the worlds largest land predators They are found in the artic They grow up to 10ft. Tall Females reach up to 650lbs. Humans are the only polar bear predators Polar bear cubs learn to freeze and remain still while their mother hunts. If they move, the mother disciples them, with a whack to the head. They are the worlds largest land predators They are found in the artic They grow up to 10ft. Tall Females reach up to 650lbs. Humans are the only polar bear predators Polar bear cubs learn to freeze and remain still while their mother hunts. If they move, the mother disciples them, with a whack to the head.
Fun Facts Polar Bears do not hibernate. Female polar bears will den with their young. All polar bears may den for a short time to avoid bad weather. Polar bears can swim an average of 6 miles per hour. Polar Bears do not hibernate. Female polar bears will den with their young. All polar bears may den for a short time to avoid bad weather. Polar bears can swim an average of 6 miles per hour.
Souces: About.com OraclethinkQuest.org Polarbearsinternational.com Seaworld.com Endangeredpolarbear.com Kidzone.ws/sg/polarbear