Quiz/Review Get out a small piece of paper and put your name on it. When the bell rings, the quiz will begin.
Question 1 What is the difference between a tidal wave and a tsunami?
Question 2 Where do most tsunamis form?
Question 3 Is the east coast of the US at risk for a mega tsunami?
Answers 1)It cause of formation. Tidal from gravity, tsunami from change in mass or water depth. 2)Plate boundaries (convergent under water) 3)Yes, the Cumbre Vieja volcano could create a 2000 foot tsunami.
What are floods These are events where water (liquid) flows to the low lying areas. Usually from a large amount of precipitation either upstream or nearby. Can be from a dam or levee break. When ground is saturated with water it cannot soak into the ground and floods.
Types Flash floods From a large water event upstream. Occurs rapidly! (In minutes) Large range floods Coastal (storm surge) River Urban Ponding All from large water events and structural failure. Much slower event. (days)
Where Any low lying area is capable of flooding, but some areas are more susceptible. – Flash flooding Normally dry areas after a rain event upstream. – Coastal Near the water (duh?) – Rivers Along rivers (usually major rivers downstream) – Ponding & Urban Any low lying area in a city or town with poor drainage.
Warnings Flood Watch There is a possibility of a flood. Watch TV and other communications for information. – NOAA Radio Evacuate if ordered to. Flood Warning A flood is probable in the area. NOAA Radio
Hazards of flooding Physical damage – Roads, buildings and bridges Crop failure – Most crops cannot tolerate saturated soils. Diseases – Micro organisms (Giardiasis), Parasites (tape worms), Bacteria (e. coli) many more! Economic loss – $7.82 billion in last 30 years Death – 94 deaths a year
TIPS Know the weather conditions nearby and upstream. Have an exit plan. DO NOT drive or walk through water! You do not know how deep it is or how strong it is. Be prepared. Safety kit! Get to higher ground. If your car stalls leave it! (60% of all deaths from flooding involve an automobile.) Others??? What do you think?
Flooding 101