©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education1 Cosmetology Basics of Pedicure
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Pedicuring2 Steps to a Basic Pedicure Pedicuring is the care of the feet and toenails. In Latin “ped” means foot and “cura” means care.
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Pedicuring3 Preparing for a Pedicure Always clean and disinfect implements. Set up equipment. Tools should be placed in an organized manner on a sanitized table. Make sure items are placed in order of use. Set up products and solutions. Prepare the footbath with enough sanitizing solution to completely immerse both feet. Sanitize hands with hand gel sanitizer.
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Pedicuring4 Basic Pedicure Procedure Greet and seat client. Sanitize hands with hand gel sanitizer. Sanitize client’s feet with foot spray. SAFETY: perform a visual examination to make sure there are no signs of disease or disorder. If there is sign of disease, do not continue service, and refer client to a physician. Soak client’s feet in footbath for 5-10 minutes. Remove feet from footbath and dry and place them on the footrest. Remove old polish with cotton balls and polish remover. SAFETY: Re-examine feet for disease or disorder. Trim and file toenails straight across. SAFETY: avoid clipping or filing too deeply into the corners; doing so may cause ingrown toenails.
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Pedicuring5 Basic Pedicure Procedure Apply cuticle remover to each toe. Push back cuticles with cotton-tipped orange wood stick. Apply sloughing lotion and massage to remove dead skin. Repeat same steps on opposite foot. Soak and scrub both feet with brush to remove dead skin. Dry feet thoroughly. Massage with lotion Remove excess lotion from toenails with polish remove. Lotion left on toenails will not allow polish to adhere to nail. Apply powder to feet with cotton. Insert toe separators. Apply base coat to toenails working from the little toe to the big toe. Apply two coats of polish. Apply topcoat. Apply quick-dry product. Remove toe separators when polish is dry.
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Pedicuring6 Basic Pedicure Completion Ask client if they would like to book next appointment. Suggest retail products. Discard used materials, replace soiled towels with fresh towels, disinfect implements and table, and arrange all products and implements in proper order. Sanitize hands with hand gel sanitizer.