Tri – Island State, two dependencies being Carriacou and Petit Martinique 133 Square Miles Population = 102,632
AUTHORITY – National Sewage and Water Authority (NAWASA) Type of System – Gravity Fed. 95 % Rivers 3 - 5% Springs and Wells Built around the 1950’s
Pipe Laying Contamination Weathering Soil Slippage Fallen Trees Displaced Huge Rocks & Stones
Vulnerability Assessment conducted Mitigation same for both Rural and Urban Areas
¶ Importation of water from other Islands ¶ Low Cost Option
Two Sewer Systems in Grenada Not Designed with full scale Sewage Treatment Authority involved in Partial or Preliminary Screening Traditional Septic Tank Soak Away System Waste sometimes partially treated and pumped out to sea (MARINE OUT FALL)
Some Measures are in place Sometimes difficult to Implement Coastal Monitoring Standby Trucks and Pumps in cases of disasters or disruptions
NAWASA Ministry of Health
NAWASA now seeks to have exclusive authority over all wastewater management and designs of other systems.