Today’s goal(s) and how it relates to your class goal.
The Great Scramble for Africa Europe vs. Ottoman (Turks) Empire Napoleon conquest of Egypt in 1798 Ottoman control of N. Africa French support during Crimean War Europe wrestles control of SE Europe away from the Turks “The Sick Man of Europe”
The Great Scramble for Africa Africa before the Scramble British in South Africa – The Boer War France and Spain on Ivory Coast Very little colonization by 1870
The Great Scramble for Africa The Congo and Belgium’s King Leopold II Seeking less dependence on the Rhine River Developed colony – The Congo Free State – little actual economic benefit At same time – gold and diamonds in S. Africa
The Great Scramble for Africa The Scramble begins… but, first an agreement Ferry and Bismarck – October ’84 The Berlin Act – signed by all major European powers
The Great Scramble for Africa GOAL CHECKUP How well have I worked to achieve my goal for today’s class? What can I do for the remainder of the period to reach my goal(s) for today?
The Great Scramble for Africa German colonies Togoland, Camaroons, SW Africa France colonies Algeria, Sudan, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Dahomey, Somori and Lake Chad region (next to Congo)
The Great Scramble for Africa The Turks last stand Egypt Britain interest Battle of Obdurmann (1898)