Improving Vocabulary Skills Third Edition (Chapter 11) PowerPoint Flashcards
Word: blatant Definition: very obvious, often offensively so Part of Speech: adjective Derivative: blatantly Link: Ray meant Sentence: Ray meant to show a blatant disregard for the “ No Smoking” sign as he puffed on his cigar.
Word: blight Definition: something that weakens , damages, or destroys Part of Speech: noun Derivative: blights Link: fright Sentence: These plants are a fright because of blight which is ruining them.
Word: contrive Definition: to plan cleverly; think up Part of Speech: verb Derivatives: contrives, contrived, contriving Link: arrive Sentence: He will contrive to pay all of his debts by the time this date arrives. He plans to keep track of everything he buys.
Word: garble Definition: to mix up or confuse (as a story or a message); scramble Part of Speech: verb Derivatives: garbles, garbled, garbling Link: marble Sentence: I am afraid that I will garble the message about the marble because my brain is scrambled after ten hours on the computer.
Word: gaunt Definition: thin and bony Part of Speech: adjective Derivative: gauntly, gauntness Link: Skinny Haunt Sentence: He was so gaunt that people started to call him “Skinny Haunt.”
Word: gloat Definition: to feel or express delight or self-satisfaction, often spitefully Part of Speech: verb Derivatives: gloats, gloated, gloating Link: boat Sentence: The rich man will gloat when he claims that his boat is the biggest afloat.
Word: immaculate Definition: perfectly clean Part of Speech: adjective Derivatives: immaculately, immaculateness Link: isn’t it? Sentence: It is difficult when one person is immaculate but not their roommate, isn’t it?
Word: plagiarism Definition: using someone else’s writings or ideas as one’s own Part of Speech: noun Derivatives: plagiarize, plagiarized, plagiarizing, plagiarisms Link: Communism Sentence: His report on Communism contained three examples of plagiarism.
Word: qualm Definition: an uneasy feeling about how right or proper a particular action is Part of Speech: noun Derivative: qualms Link: calm Sentence: When my brother announced he was getting a pool for under $10, I had qualms. Apparently, my uneasy calm was justified.
Word: retaliate Definition: to return an injury for an injury; pay back Part of Speech: verb Derivatives: retaliates, retaliated, retaliating Link: belly ache Sentence: I had to retaliate for the time he gave me a belly ache.