Imperialism in Africa The Scramble for Africa
African Geography Africa is divided into two climatic areas 1. The Saharan Desert in Northern Africa -dry, arid lands, nomadic people 2. Sub-Saharan Africa -tropical areas with tribal communities Africa is domed in the middle, all rivers flow outward from the center -Example Nile flows North, Congo River flows west These features made it very hard for Europeans to explore the interior of the continent
Opening the Continent With better medicine, boats, and maps, Europeans finally opened the interior of Africa to the world By 1900, Europe realized its vast resources to fuel their economies With economic, political, and religious motives along with advanced weaponry, Europe rapidly conquered the African people and controlled their lands
The Berlin Conference The occupation of Egypt (England) and the Congo Acquisition (Belgium) were the first events in the scramble for Africa. In 1884, Otto von Bismarck (Germany) called for the Berlin Conference to discuss the African Problem. The European powers set rules for competition to acquire land in Africa No territory could be claimed without proper occupation No territory could be claimed without proper occupation Must tell the other nations of their intentions Must tell the other nations of their intentions Trade and navigation was free along the Congo River Trade and navigation was free along the Congo River
European Powers Clash 1. The Fashoda Incident England wanted control from South Africa to Egypt in North Africa France wanted control from Senegal (West Africa) to the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia) In their pursuits, the clashed at Fashoda After a stand-off, the French and British agreed that the source of the Nile and Congo Rivers should mark the frontier between their spheres of influence After a stand-off, the French and British agreed that the source of the Nile and Congo Rivers should mark the frontier between their spheres of influence
European Powers Clash 2.The Moroccan Crisis Germany wanted to test the French control in the Sahara (North Africa) Germany called for Moroccan Independence from France with infuriated the French Government After a peace conference, Morocco became a protectorate under French control
European Powers Clash 3.The Anglo-Zulu War In 1879, the Zulu Nation tried to push the British out of South Africa Led by the fearless leader Shaka, 25,000 Zulu warriors attacked the British army of The Zulus suffered severe casualties due to advanced British weaponry and were forced to surrender This secured Britain’s colonial hold in South Africa
Results of Imperialism in Africa Through ruthless measures, Europe continued to dominate and suppress the African people until the mid-20 th century By 1914, only two African nations remained independent: Liberia and Ethiopia The effects of colonialism are still alive today with the African countries Border disputes because they were drawn by European powers Border disputes because they were drawn by European powers Tribal disputes because they were divided along colonial lines Tribal disputes because they were divided along colonial lines Little resources for production because they were stripped by Europe Little resources for production because they were stripped by Europe Widespread poverty Widespread poverty Corrupt governments Corrupt governments European Imperialism in Africa drastically altered every aspect of African life including culture, religion, and politics