The Minnesota State University Student Association Students Working for Students Since 1967
Working For Students at all levels Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Minnesota State Government Minnesota Office of Higher Education U.S. Congress U.S. Department of Education Campus Support
History of MSUSA 1967-An informal coalition of student leaders established the Minnesota State College Student Association (MSCSA) Former Congressman Timothy J. Penny was the organization’s first lobbyist. MSCSA was involved in the creation of the legislation to create a student position on the State University Board 1975-MSCSA was renamed the Minnesota State University Student Association (MSUSA) The Minnesota State University Board officially recognized MSUSA as the system-wide student representative and authorized a three-cent-per-credit fee from every state university student to fund the association. That same year the MSUSA was incorporated as an independent non-profit organization The Minnesota Legislature puts the MSUSA fee into law The Penny Fellowship was established.
Governing Documents By-Laws Policies and Procedures Student Platform Financial Policies
Student Positions State Chair, Kara Brockett Vice Chair, Brad Burns Treasurer, Jason Schilling Facilitators Campus Representatives Diversity Representatives
Governing Bodies Board of Directors Delegate Assembly
Professional Staff Elsbeth Howe, Director of Research and Policy Shannah Moore, Director of Communications Jess Myhre, Office Manager Kari Winter, Director of Development and Alumni Relations Graeme Allan, Director of University and Government Relations Kelly Asche, Organizing Director Holly Davis, Campus Organizer-South Emily Doman, Campus Organizer-North J.J. Jouppi, Executive Director
Revenue AccountDescriptionFY Association Fees$680, Interest and Dividend Income$21, Penny Fellowship Contributions$41, Conference Fees$0 Diversity Conference$0 Women's Leadership Conference$1,000 Grants$5,000 Reserve Transfer for Rent$30,000 Total $778,000
Expenditures AccountDescriptionFY08 Administrative Expense$13, Awards$ Advertising$2, Audit Fees$7, Accounting Fees$1, Building Expense 106$1, Building Expense 108$1, Consultant Fees$2, Campus Projects - Board Meetings$1, Campus Projects - Cultural Diversity$6,500 Woman's Leadership Conference$2, Dues, Subscriptions, Memberships$2, Employee Pensions$28, Employee Benefits$44, Equipment Rental$ Equipment Purchases$4, Insurance$5,000
Expenditures 662Legal Fees$10, Office Expense$10, Other Fees$ Payroll Taxes$24, Postage$3, Printing$2, Public Relations$5, Anniversary Celebration$5, Salary$324,100 XXXVacation Payout$9, Interns$7, Stipends - Facilitators$6, Stipends - Campus Reps$7, Stipends - CD Reps$7, Penny Fellowship$41, Seminars$4, Telecommunications$11, Travel Instate$124,000
Expenditures 870Travel Out of State$20, Unemployment$5, Misc. Expenses$0 Loss on Sale of Investment$0 900Contingency$0 998Depreciation$0 997Depreciation (Buildings)$0 994Furniture and Fixtures$0 935Mortgage Principal (Rent Payments)$30, Reserve Transfer$0 Total $778,000
Conferences Penny Golf Scramble August 9 The Jewel in Lake City September Conference MSU Moorhead Friday, September 14 - Sunday, September 16 DEADLINE for registration August 30th 4:00 Fall Conference/Woman’s Leadership Conference/Penny Dinner Twin Cities Friday, October 26 - Sunday, October 28 DEADLINE for registration Oct 11th 4:00 December Conference Metropolitan State University Friday, November 30-Sunday, December 2 DEADLINE for registration Nov 15th 4:00
Conferences February Conference St. Cloud State University Friday, February 1 - Sunday, February 3 DEADLINE for registration January 24th 4:00 Diversity Conference Southwest Minnesota State University Friday, February 22 - Sunday, February 24 DEADLINE for registration Feb 14th 4:00 Spring Delegates Twin Cities Friday, March 28 - Sunday, March 30 DEADLINE for registration March 13th 4:00 April Conference Winona State University Friday, April 25 - Sunday, April 27 DEADLINE for registration April 10th 4:00
Scholarship program for MnSCU students doing low or unpaid community and public service internships Established in 1987 in honor of former Congressman and MSUSA officer Tim Penny Students can get up to $1,500 to intern in MN, and up to $2,500 to intern in Washington D.C. Fundraising events include: Golf Scramble on Thursday, August 9th Dinner on Friday, October 26 Penny Advisory Board: MSUSA Vice Chair is a co-chair There are 18 members Including 2 students, 1 MSCSA student, and 2 MSUSA alumni Application Due Dates: –Fall Semester: July 15th Spring Semester: November 1st Summer Session: May 1st